Every cruising boat should carry a sailmaker’s palm along with a kit of essential sail-repair tools. Most people are right-handed, hence the palms you find in most sailors’ kits are for right-handers. But there may well come a time when you have to stitch up a long tear in a large...
The meaning of SAIL is an extent of fabric (such as canvas) by means of which wind is used to propel a ship through water. How to use sail in a sentence.
Rejoice’s integrates information from the GPS, the radar, the autopilot, and the wind, depth and speed instruments to provide a complete visual representation of the boat’s position and its relationship to its surroundings, as well as all relevant data such as course and speed, wind speed a...
As I look at the footage of the damaged boats, I can not imagine how there will be an infrastructure in place to repair them any time soon, much less get them back into the water. I heard about a Salty Dawg member’s boat that “mostly” survived the storm but the hull was ...
It took them 2 hrs to drag it by dink to the boat to hoist it up, only to discover that one corner and rusted and needed repair. All in a days work when your retired! On to Lee Stocking Cay the next morning, it was deemed to be a good half way point to make the long sail...