Yogapedia Explains Sadhana The term sadhana comes from the Sanskrit root,sadhu, meaning “go straight to a goal”. Routinely applying mind, body and spirit in the pursuit of a spiritual goal is the most natural and efficient way to surrender the ego, to find relief from suffering and to at...
Our name comes from the Sanskrit word meaning a spiritual path. Whether you are at the start of your journey, or have been finding your way for many years, the beauty of Sadhana is that everyone’s path is different. Nurturing a feeling of community is at the heart of everything we do...
The meaning of SADHANA is Hindu religious training or discipline through which an individual attains samadhi.
In Tantra, it is said that “meat” is just the crude meaning of mamsa, in which the control of speech is its subtler, more allegorical connotation. Advertisement Yogapedia Explains Mamsa Sadhana Mamsa sadhana is an important concept in yoga because many believe that as part of spiritual p...
The Sanskrit name Surya here refer to the sun and namaskar means ‘Salutions” . Sutya namamaskar has been handed down from the enlightened sage of Vedic Age. In yoga the sun is represented by pingala or surya nadi, the pranic channel which carries the vital , life – giving force. ...
The practice of vinyasa reframes our perception of anyparticular thing by equalizing the relationship background in which it exists. 练习Vinyasa,是透过平衡所示现与其背景, 重新建构我們对任何特定事物的看法。 TheSanskrit word vinyasa can be broken down into its two components. Nyasa,meaning to sanctify...
Sadhana chatushtaya are a sequence of steps or means of practice that are outlined in the teachings of Vedanta and Jnana Yoga. They must be cultivated on the path to self-realization, and form the foundation for deeper understanding and development. ...