Iraq owed a great deal of money to Kuwait, another neighbor. In 1990, Hussein’s army invaded Kuwait. A group of countries led by the United States set out to stop Hussein in the Persian Gulf War. They drove Hussein’s army back after 43 days of fighting. 伊拉克欠另一个邻国科威特一大...
IRAQ WAR: Russia Denies Deal to Hide SaddamAs American troops took over Baghdad and jubilant Iraqis danced and cheered in the streets yesterday, the question lingered: Where is Saddam Hussein?The Birmingham Post (England)
Even though he has been caught, the former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein(萨达姆·侯赛因)is still causing trouble. His arrest has thrown up as many questions as it has answers. Top of the list is what should happen to Saddam now, closely followed by calls for information from him about Ira...
Iraq War (20 Mar.–1 May 2003)Hussein, Saddam (b. Tikrit, Iraq, 28 Apr. 1937; d. Baghdad, 30 Dec. 2006) President of Iraq 1979–2003Born in a village near Tikrit, north-west of Baghdad, he drew on family and friends from this area as his advisers throughout his life. He joined...
Hussein Kamel, suddenly fled Iraq to Jordan. Kamel had overseen Saddam's chem-bio program, and his defection forced the revelation of some of the secret locations of Saddam's deadly labs. That evidence is the heart of the "white paper" used last week by President Bush to support his argu...
Saddam Hussein (1937-2006) was the long-serving president of Iraq, ruling from July 1979 until his overthrow in April 2003. As leader of Iraq Saddam’s relationship with his fellow Middle Eastern rulers, as well as Cold War powers like the United States and Soviet Russia, was fluid and ...
Iraqi civilians in a car drag a statue of Saddam Hussein down the streets of Baghdad, on April 9, 2003, the day the city fell to U.S. soldiers in the Iraq War.© Department of DefenseAbout Us Contact Us Privacy Notice Terms of Use Diversity ©2025 Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc....
Iraq declared Saddam Hussein the winner Wednesday - by an 11 million-to-0 margin - in a war-shadowed referendum on his two-decade military rule, sending celebratory gunfire crackling from the streets and rooftops of Baghdad. The 100 percent turnout, 100 percent 'yes' vote shows all Iraqis ...
【题目】Saddam Hussein has been a familiar nam e si nc e th e Persian Gulf War in 1991.But, as the US again weighs th e prospect (前景) of war with Iraq, th e question of what to call th e Ira qi president is becoming a bit of a medi a prob lem.T h e US's largest ...
dispute withIranover theShatt al Arabwaterway into a full-scale war (seeIran-Iraq War) lasting eight years. On Aug. 2, 1990, Hussein ordered an Iraqi invasion of neighboringKuwait; however, Iraq was forced out in early 1991 by an international military coalition (seeIraq;Persian Gulf War)....