Resolution1441——aresolutionadoptedunanimously(一致地)bytheUnitedNationsSecurityCouncil(安理会)on8November2002,offeringIraqunderSaddamHussein“afinalopportunitytocomplywithitsdisarmament(缴械)obligations”Background Theterrotistattackof9.11IraqWMD——weaponsofmassdestruction Background Resolution1441 Ira...
IRAQ THE DOSSIER: PART 3 Iraq under Saddam Hussein
Under Saddam Hussein’s regime, stray dogs were routinely shot. But their numbers grew steadily following the 2003 U.S.-led invasion when a host of more serious security issues sidelined efforts to deal with the dogs. None of the affected dogs could be reached for comment. Back To The Inde...
Later the Iraqi forces under Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait and some parts of Saudi Arabia Gulf War, this was condemned by countries all over the World, and all the major powers including theUSA,England,France, etc, intervened and Iraq faced a humiliating defeat. Following the September 11 attac...
“shock and awe” bombing campaign that lit up the skies, laid waste to large sections of the country and paved the way for American ground troops to converge on Baghdad. The invasion was based on what turned out to be faulty claims that Saddam Hussein had secr...
The third bill aimed to return lands confiscated from the Kurds under the rule of Saddam Hussein. It is opposed by some Arab groups, saying it could lead to the displacement of Arab residents. Most read Kennedy and influencers bash seed oils, baffling nutrition scientists Panama releases doz...
Who is Najah al-Shammari, former Iraqi defense minister arrested in Sweden? Shammari served in the Iraqi military under Saddam Hussein and following the 2003 US invasion, and was under […]Tags: featured, fraud, SwedenFmr Iraqi Defense Minister "arrested" in Sweden 21st March 2024 in Security...
The U.S. insisted that Iraq’s Saddam Hussein had WMD. The U.S. invaded Iraq and killed Saddam Hussein. Some speculated that Hussein got himself eliminated because he traded Iraqi oil for Euro instead of the USD. The U.S. couldn’t tolerate that. ...
There were conflicting statements throughout the day from the Kurdish commanders, the Iraqi military in Baghdad, the Pentagon and the militants of the Islamic State group over who was in control of the strategic 2.1-mile dam that spans the Tigris River. Completed in 1986 under Saddam Hussein, ...
Corruption has become the backbone of the new system of fragmentation. Its function is to consolidate the power of warlords, and it differs from the corruption under the previous Ba‘athist regime. Under Saddam Hussein, the patronage system was not sectarian. It was open to anyone willing “to...