The meaning of SABOTAGE is destruction of an employer's property (such as tools or materials) or the hindering of manufacturing by discontented workers. How to use sabotage in a sentence.
The French verb saboter is known in the sense "to damage an employer's property" in the early 1900s but this meaning is perhaps based on an earlier sense "to carry out clumsily, botch, bungle," first attested in 1808. This meaning is in turn usually explained as proceeding from a yet...
sabotaged,sabotaging. to injure or attack by sabotage. Synonyms:cripple,vandalize,disable Discover More Other Words From un·sab o·taged adjective Discover More Word History and Origins Origin ofsabotage1 First recorded in 1865–70; fromFrench,fromsabot(er)“to botch,” originally, “to harry, ...
SABOTAGE meaning: the act of destroying or damaging something deliberately so that it does not work correctly
Sabotage isn't very nice: It's when you ruin or disrupt something by messing up a part of it on purpose. Loosening the blades on your competitor's ice skates would definitely be considered sabotage.
sabotage meaning, definition, what is sabotage: to secretly damage or destroy equipment,...: Learn more.
sabotage(v.) “故意和惡意地破壞或使無法使用”,1912年,源自sabotage(名詞)。相關詞彙:Sabotaged(被破壞的);sabotaging(破壞中的)。 也來自:1912 也稱爲sabbaton,14世紀中期的sabatoun,是一種裝甲的鞋套,在15世紀也是富人穿的鞋或半鞋的名稱,源自於古法語sabot,是一種用鑽孔工具和刮刀挖空的一塊木頭鞋,由農民...
"Luftmensch," literally meaning "air person," is the Yiddish way of describing someone who is a bit of a dreamer. Did You Know? The word "infant" comes from the Latin word "infans" which literally means "unable to speak; speechless." ...
Your Life hasMeaning. It has threads that go back to an Ancient Past. And your Next Life will be based on what you achieve in This One. Yogacara Astrology is the superlative system of consciousness: A bio-science of resonant frequencies ...
The French verb saboter is known in the sense "to damage an employer's property" in the early 1900s but this meaning is perhaps based on an earlier sense "to carry out clumsily, botch, bungle," first attested in 1808. This meaning is in turn usually explained as proceeding from a yet...