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iPad 與 iPhone Sabiana Cloud 工具程式 iPhone Fancoil BLE 工具程式 Sabiana WiFi 工具程式 Sabiana BLE 工具程式
Sabiana是意大利知名企业,隶属于Arbonia气候部门,专注于生产空气处理机组、风机盘管、蒸发冷却器及热回收装置等多样化产品。美的集团已收购Arbonia气候部门,Sabiana因此成为其旗下公司之一。 Sabiana的核心业务 Sabiana的核心业务涵盖空气处理设备的生产与研发,主要包括空气处理机组、风机盘管、蒸发冷却器和热回收装置等。这些...
Cloud for Sabiana Carisma Whisper devices Continuous control of your devices, wherever you are The Sabiana Cloud WM application can control and monitor the st…
SABIANACARISMA CRC风机盘管 系列Carisma 加入心愿单或设计方案 产品详情 CARISMA CRC BySABIANA 系列 Carisma 类型 风机盘管 In line with innovative trends and modern industrial design, theCarismafan coil range meets today’s demanding requirements of performance, size, acoustics, low energy, ease of insta...
30.000 installations of Sabiana radiant panels in every work and education environment, are proof of the quality of this system, which allows absolutely silent heating and cooling, with no air movement, with a uniform temperature throughout the environment, with no danger of fire and great energy...
ENERGY PLUS BySABIANA Collection Energy Type Heat recovery unit The high-performance heat recovery units of the Energy Plus series units have been designed to allow you to save energy in the ventilation systems of public and private premises, such as bars, restaurants, offices, shops, etc. ...
ANESTOR Sabiana ANESTOR Sabiana,女,海地柔道运动员。职业生涯 2021年,参加了东京奥运会柔道(女子52公斤级)比赛,获得了第17名。
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Find out all of the information about the Sabiana product: hot water air heater ATLAS ECM. Contact a supplier or the parent company directly to get a quote or to find out a price or your closest point of sale.