进口热水辐射板 Duck Vap负压蒸汽辐射采暖 Duck Strip热水吊顶辐射板 意大利进口高大空间热水辐射采暖 Skystar EMC嵌装式风机盘管 进口高大空间热水吊顶辐射板 红外线热水吊顶辐射板 样本展示 更多样本>> 热水辐射板 Pulsar 普萨装饰吊顶辐射板介绍 Duck Strip 吊顶辐射板产品介绍 JANUS杰纳斯空调室内机...
Beautiful design, very reliable, silent. These are the qualities that distinguish the Sabiana fan coils. With new Carisma, the innovative SkyStar Cassette, the high pressure CRSO and Maestro or the high wall Fly, the right Sabiana solution can always be found for air-conditioning any ...
March 2004. Mostra-Convegno Expo Comfort in Milan: Sabiana presents another jewel in their crown: the SkyStar Cassette fan coil unit, the result of great technical and stylistic research aimed at offering cutting edge products in terms of performance, quietness and control flexibility. The intake ...