This fruit is gaining popularity worldwide for its benefits and uses. This article reviews the potential benefits and uses of saba banana as evidenced by medical experts and nutritionists. Potential Saba Banana Benefits and Uses Contents hide 1Potential Saba Banana Benefits and Uses 1.11. Saba Banan...
What Are the Health Benefits of Saba Fruit? Other Benefits of Saba Fruit 3 min read The Saba fruit is native to the Philippines and is the most common cooking banana cultivar grown in the region. It is beginning to be grown in more and more parts of the world. It is viewed as a...
the comparability of DPPH and ABTS assays, expressed as TEAC and VCEAC values, was also evaluated. The study will provide information on the quality attributes of Saba banana in terms of its biochemical properties and its potential health benefits upon subjecting to the physical, enzymatic, and ...
[17]Futeri, R. and Pharmayeni, P. (2014) Substituting Wheat Flour with Banana Skin Flour from Mixture Various Skin Types of Banana on Making Donuts. International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 4, 76-80. ...
Green banana flour is known to contain high resistant starch (RS) which is resistant to digestion. Intake of RS has been reported as able to reduce postprandial insulinemic and elevated glycemic responses. Other metabolic health-associated benefits of RS are increasing satiety, reducing fat storage...