1999 Saab 9-3 Viggen Coupe 230 ps, 1315 kg 1967 Saab Sonett V4 76 ps, 810 kg 1993 Saab 900 Turbo 16S GT 185 ps, 1320 kg 1980 Saab 900 GL 100 ps, 1200 kg More Clarence Neal3y ago Sonetts are wonderful. Loved mine IgorTchelzoff34s ...
摘要: 顶着瑞典Nordic Extreme R原厂打造的光环,为全台唯一450hp 9-3 Viggen!Nordic原厂亲自调校,仔细端看管路以不锈钢氩焊而成,但是瑞典人比较注重实际性能而非外观细节,从马力机上的450hp可看出Nordic货真价实的技 ... 顶着瑞典Nordic Extreme R原厂打造的光环,为全台唯一450hp 9-3 Viggen!Nordic原厂亲...
MotorWeek remembers one of the last great Saabs in its vintage review of the 1999 9-3 Viggen. This model was the pinnacle of Saab's capabilities, with a powerful engine and special aerodynamics package.
萨博公司研制的下一款机型是SAAB 37雷(Viggen),SAAB 37采用了在当时颇为新颖的近距耦合鸭式布局。事实上,1903年莱特兄弟发明的第一架飞机就是将纵向操纵面放在机翼之前,也就是现在所说的鸭式布局。那时对空气动力学还缺乏基本的研究,也不了解稳定性的要求。莱特兄弟选用鸭式布局是根据他们的直觉,以为将纵向操纵面...
Along with the Saab AJ 37 Viggen, the Lansen was a contender to carry nuclear weapons as a deterrent to protect the region, but ended up never being utilized in this role. It would have been interesting to see how a nuclear-armed version of the Lansen might have worked. But even if ...
The convertible sports the preferred combo of turbocharged engine with the five-speed manual. The car I got is a mixed bag: it’s a super rare, one-of-300 900 Turb0 SE in Monte Carlo Yellow, but sadly with an automatic; fortunately, the manual swaps on these cars are pretty easy, as...
瑞典saab-37“雷”(viggen)式战斗机是一种三角翼鸭式布局多用途飞机。根据瑞典空军提出的一机多用思想,研制工作于 60年代开始,在萨伯系列飞机中首次推出了这种全天候多用途战斗机。1971年开始装备部队,有截击、攻击、教练、侦察改进型,半径500——1000千米。机上1门“厄利孔”30毫米航炮,可装挂6枚空对空导弹,...
The Lansen was a large airframe providing a versatile platform to carry a variety of different arms depending up on mission. Along with the Saab AJ 37 Viggen, the Lansen was a contender to carry nuclear weapons as a deterrent to protect the region, but ended up never being utilized in this...
瑞典saab-37"雷"(viggen)式战斗机是一种三角翼鸭式布局多用途飞机。1971年开始装备部队,有截击、攻击、教练、侦察改进型,半径500--1000千米。机上1门"厄利孔"30毫米航炮,可装挂6枚空对空导弹,也可挂装火箭弹等空对地武器。瑞典是Saab 37"雷"战斗机的唯一使用者,装备了8个截击中队、7个攻击中队和2个侦察...
Saab-37雷式战斗机,Saab-37战斗机(英文:Saab-37 Fighter ,绰号:Viggen,译文:雷,又称:萨博-37战斗机)是20世纪60年代瑞典萨博(又译:萨伯)飞机公司自行研制的一种全天候多用途战斗机。Saab-37战斗机采用独特的三角翼近距耦合鸭式气动布局,是一种单座单发战斗机。该机装一台