Saab serves the global market of governments, authorities and corporations with products, services and solutions ranging from military defence to civil security.
Saab serves the global market of governments, authorities and corporations with products, services and solutions ranging from military defence to civil security.
Saab serves the U.S. government, industry, and commercial customers with world-leading products, services and solutions ranging from military defense to civil security.
Saab brings to Singapore world-leading products, services and solutions, ranging from military defence to civil security.
Saab-35战斗机(英文:Saab-35)是瑞典Saab(萨博)公司研制的多用途超音速战斗机,可执行截击、对地攻击、照相侦察等多种任务。该型于1951年开始设计, 1955年10月原型机首次试飞,预生产型于1958年2月试飞。截止1973年共生产589架,是20世纪60年代瑞典空军的主力战斗机。其型别有: A 、 B 、 D 、 F 型,...
萨博(saab)9-3诞生于1998年,它是萨博(saab)的一款运动型轿车。为了降低开发成本,9-3使用了其德国兄弟欧宝的技术。9-3公用epsilon平台的新款威达也是一款出色的产品。和GM epsilon 、雪佛兰malibu、庞蒂亚克G6、欧宝Vctra都共用同一底盘,但安装了自己的悬架系统、转向系统、刹车系统和发动机涡轮增压系统。尽管...
SAAB从公司起步,到鼎盛,再到衰败,一直都在宣传自己的车子是人车合一,贴地飞行,实际上SAAB这种宣传完全是事出有因的。 二战结束后,造飞机的SAAB改行造车SAAB的全称是瑞典飞机有限公司,它的任务就是为瑞典空军造飞机的,保护二战中作为中立国的瑞典,顺便也出售飞机给其他的二战中立国换点资源。 二战结束后来自瑞典空...
Saab r-TWR offers the ability to operate multiple airports from a centralized facility – a centre of digital towers. We call these Remote Tower Centres (RTC). An RTC can be a standalone facility or can be combined with an Approach or Area Control Centre, for example. ...