4.1 上电启动 根据上面的分析,reset后处理器从0x00000000地址处取四字节值到MSP寄存器,也就是取__StackTop标号的值到MSP寄存器。然后处理器装载0x00000004地址处的值(Reset_Handler标号代表的值)到PC指针,也就是程序跳转到Reset_Handler标号处开始运行。 __isr_vector: .long __StackTop /* Top of Stack */ ....
I do not understand how can I use the emulated EEPROM in this case (When I try to flash the application, the program ends in the reset handler) 0 Kudos Reply 07-30-2018 03:31 AM 5,868 Views danielmartynek NXP TechSupport Hi, Have you seen this thread: https://community....
** ** http: www.freescale.com ** mail: support@freescale.com ** ** ### */ /* Entry Point */ ENTRY(Reset_Handler) HEAP_SIZE = DEFINED(__heap_size__) ? __heap_size__ : 0x00000400; STACK_SIZE = DEFINED(__stack_size__) ? __stack_size__ : 0x00000400; /* If symbol __...
2. One or multiple triggers come on any input while a trigger either stored or under process for that input in the trigger handler. 3. The trigger on a particular input asserts during the period of end-of-conversion cycle of a conversion initiated from this input. • In these cases ...
/* Install LPIT_ISR as LPIT interrupt handler */ INT_SYS_InstallHandler(LPIT0_Ch0_IRQn, &lpit_ch0_isr, (isr_t *)0); /* Start LPIT0 channel 0 counter */ LPIT_DRV_StartTimerChannels(INST_LPIT1, (1 << 0)); } void lpit_ch0_isr(void) { LPIT_DRV_ClearInterruptFlagTimerChannels(...
3. Hold RESET button SW5 on the board down and connect a USB cable to J7 as shown below: 4. When you hear the USB dual-tone, release the RESET button to enter bootloader mode. 5. The S32K board will act as a USB mass storage device called BOOTLOADER connected to your PC. Open ...
8. Cycle the power to the S32K board while not holding RESET button down. 9. The S32K board is now ready to connect to µVision as a CMSIS-DAP debug adapter. TIP: This application will remain in the U8 K20 Flash each time the board power is cycled with RESET not pressed. The ...
reset_handler(); /* * Step 2: */ ret = board_init(); if (ret) { putstr("Failed a board_init() procedure\r\n"); error(); } /* * Step 3: */ mem_map_init(); mmu_init(); putstr("Succeed memory mapping.\r\n");
根据上面的分析,reset后处理器从0x00000000地址处取四字节值到MSP寄存器,也就是取__StackTop标号的值到MSP寄存器。然后处理器装载0x00000004地址处的值(Reset_Handler标号代表的值)到PC指针,也就是程序跳转到Reset_Handler标号处开始运行。 __isr_vector:.long __StackTop /* Top of Stack */.long Reset_Handler...
1、首先将startup_stm32f767xx.s(结合自己所使用的芯片MCU型号)栈和堆加大,测试是否还进入HardFault_Handler不; 2、如果按照第1步处理后,仍然进入...说明:stm32f7xx_it.c(结合自己所使用的芯片MCU型号)中的voidHardFault_Handler(void)函数里只能有while(1){},不要有其它代码,尤其是printf(),否则会影响第...