复位发生时,把怀疑的复位地方打上断点,比如我经常碰到硬件错误中断复位,可以在文件startup_S32K144.S中的函数HardFault_Handler中打断点,类似: 如果代码跑到这里,之后执行B.(自循环),最后就会触发看门狗复位。 如果定位到这里,我们自然会想:什么情况会跑到HardFault_Handler? 这时候,我们可以去看寄存器的值:S32_SCB中...
--->I only add one operation in main ,that is<after hardware-init , I read data from SPI_flash once>, and then jump to app, but it is NG, it will jump to HardFault_Handler. In my thought , maybe caused by Interrupt or DeInit, so before jump , I Deinit IO, SPI,NVIC, and ad...
The m4_scst_exception_test_handler_thread will throw a hardFault_Handler as shown in Figure 1 when tested with the trace32 debugger attached. <Figure 1> But if I remove the debugger it works fine.(The expected Test Reference Signature is output.) So I removed the debugger and did...
1、首先将startup_stm32f767xx.s(结合自己所使用的芯片MCU型号)栈和堆加大,测试是否还进入HardFault_Handler不; 2、如果按照第1步处理后,仍然进入...说明:stm32f7xx_it.c(结合自己所使用的芯片MCU型号)中的voidHardFault_Handler(void)函数里只能有while(1){},不要有其它代码,尤其是printf(),否则会影响第...
void HardFault_Handler_C(unsigned long *hardfault_args,unsigned int lr_value){ unsigned long int stacked_r0; unsigned long int stacked_r1; unsigned long int stacked_r2; unsigned long int stacked_r3; unsigned long int stacked_r12; unsigned long int stacked_lr; unsigned long int stacked_pc; ...
Please add this handler: void HardFault_Hander(void){ while(1){} } And find the fault instruction as explained here: https://community.nxp.com/t5/S32K-Knowledge-Base/Fault-handling-on-S32K14x/ta-p/1114447 Regards, Daniel 0 Kudos Reply 06-05-2023 12:53 AM...
--->I only add one operation in main ,that is<after hardware-init , I read data from SPI_flash once>, and then jump to app, but it is NG, it will jump to HardFault_Handler. In my thought , maybe caused by Interrupt or DeInit, so before jump , I Deinit IO, SPI,NVIC, a...
when i test flash_partitioning_s32k144 example , i find HardFault. could you help to check it. Connection from "" via Connection from port "63674" to 6224 Connection from "" via Connection from port "63675" to 7224 Searching for Kernel Symbols.....
[when i pushed the button, HardFault_Handler was not called.] The result means changing memProtect1_AccessRightConfig0 affect region2. Thanks Best regards Phillip 0 Kudos Reply 09-01-2021 02:31 AM 1,267 Views danielmartynek NXP TechSupport Hi Phillip, I still don't know what ...
when i test flash_partitioning_s32k144 example , i find HardFault. could you help to check it. Connection from "" via Connection from port "63674" to 6224 Connection from "" via Connection from port "63675" to 7224 Searching for Kernel Symbols.....