Installing the package To use, install from github. This can be done using the following lines of code: install.packages("devtools") library(devtools) install_github("RHReynolds/LDSCforRyten") Running S-LD...
(Alkes Price group) DataDir=/home/sourya/LDSCORE_DATA ## directory containing the LDSC source code from GitHub ## user can download the LDSC source code from GitHub using the following command: ## git clone ## a folder "ldsc" would be created, ...
01下载与安装 ldsc: 这里以服务器为例,LDSC软件在github中可以获取,同SMR一样是一种可执行脚本,LDSC是python脚本,运行需要搭配anaconda环境,anaconda下载与安装网上有很多教程,如果后面大家还是不太会,可以留言我再写一期。 #下...
git clone ldsc ② 安装ldsc依赖的环境 conda env create --file environment.ymlsource activate ldsc ③ 测试是否安装成功 如果安装成功,输入./ -h代码会出现如下图: ④ 准备summary文件summary.txt su...
1. Download the source code of "ldsc" from GitHub ( - Path of this downloaded source code (containing the python and bash scripts of this package) needs to be provided as a configuration parameter (check the parameter *LDSCCodeDir*) 2. Git clone the cu...