S-FRAME Software 一直积极倡导在建筑设计中使用木材,因为该材料可减少温室气体,提供其他环境效益(如隔热和建筑美观性),实现可持续发展。 S-FRAME Software 还支持用户生成全面详尽的设计报告,包括条款引用和针对多种设计规范的结果。 S-FRAME 的 S-TIMBER 软件中多层混合重型木材结构建筑的多种视图,包括(顺时针方向)...
Altair S-FRAME Software Suite使用旨在为用户提供各种结构建模、分析和设计的完整解决方案,这里有几个实用的程序,独立安装和运行,旨在有效提高生产力和增加设计的准确性,各种分析计算方法一应俱全,高级功能减轻工作过程中的各种压力,优化工作流程,在符合规范的前提下完成您想要的理想设计创建,通过自动化重复或迭代过程来...
S-FRAME® R10.0.The article evaluates the S-Frame R10.0 four-dimensional (4D) structural modeling and analysis management software from S-Frame Software Inc.EBSCO_bspCanadian Consulting Engineer
robotFrameworks_frame|window终级解决法 以下是我用robotframework + selenium2library做自动化测试遇到的一些问题,及解决方法。对于初学者应该有些帮助。 一、 对于元素的外层包括frame/iframe标签的。一定要先select frame name=xxx,然后再操作元素。 Select frame name=新建个案 click element id= xxxxx 二、 对于...
GenICam is a global set of standards to interface industrial cameras to computer software applications (such as machine vision). It allows a homogenization of the wording, the interfaces and the processes in image processing, acquisition and transport. By providing all users with a common set of ...
One-connection CoaXPress CXP-12 frame grabber One CoaXPress CXP-12 connection: 1,250 MB/s camera bandwidth PCIe 3.0 (Gen 3) x4 bus: 3,300 MB/s bus bandwidth Low-profile card. Delivered with standard and low-profile brackets Passive (fanless) heatsink ...
SSAB has developed a unique tool for its customers and designers for designing roof trusses with structural hollow sections. With it it is possible to optimize the truss with just few key parameters; geometry, loads and steel grades. It can optimize the truss to either minimize the mass or ma...
Software Application Development Software BitFlow Software Development Kit (SDK) provides a powerful way to get images into your application from all of BitFlow’s frame grabbers. The current SDK release is the result of years of experience writing drivers for camera interface hardware, and our en...
Krijg 2,7x snellere reviewcycli en 3,6x snellere creatieve workflows met Frame.io. (Bron: Pfeiffer-rapport 2024) Wijzig en beheer elke creatieve end-to-end workflow sneller en effectiever dan ooit. Tag, volg en orden media met 32 kant-en-klare metadatavelden, evenals flexibele aangepaste ...
SSAB has developed a unique tool for its customers and designers for designing roof trusses with structural hollow sections. With it it is possible to optimize the truss with just few key parameters; geometry, loads and steel grades. It can optimize the truss to either minimize the mass or ma...