S-FRAME 是一套结构设计和分析软件,用于提高项目利益相关者的生产力和参与度。此套装包括以下工具: S 型混凝土:用于设计钢筋混凝土梁、柱和墙的横截面积和图纸的工具。它有一个强大的图形界面,可以非常快速地显示设计工程师的输出,允许他们更改参数并快速观察变化。该工具与 S-Frame 集成 – 该软件包的另一个产品...
结构分析设计软件 Altair S-FRAME Software Suite 2024.1破解版 描述S-FRAME 是一套结构设计和分析软件,用于提高项目利益相关者的生产力和参与度。此套装包括以下工具: S 型混凝土:用于设计钢筋混凝土梁、柱和墙的横截面积和... 2024年10月29日 发表评论 阅读...
Altair S-FRAME Software Suite 2024.1 x64 Altair S-CALC 是一款先进的截面属性计算器,非常适合复杂几何形状和多材料截面。在直观的界面中计算超过 16 种。 File size: 3.2 GB Altair S-CALC is an advanced section property calculator ideal for complex geometries and multi-material sections. Calculate over ...
https://nitroflare.com/view/2264183A3CA925E/%401tair.2024.1.S-FRAME.Software.Suite.Win64-SSQ.part1.rar https://nitroflare.com/view/220225AA0AFC1AA/%401tair.2024.1.S-FRAME.Software.Suite.Win64-SSQ.part2.rar https://nitroflare.com/view/74A3C21C488B9DE/%401tair.2024.1.S-FRAME.Software.Su...
Altair S-FRAME Software Suite使用旨在为用户提供各种结构建模、分析和设计的完整解决方案,这里有几个实用的程序,独立安装和运行,旨在有效提高生产力和增加设计的准确性,各种分析计算方法一应俱全,高级功能减轻工作过程中的各种压力,优化工作流程,在符合规范的前提下完成您想要的理想设计创建,通过自动化重复或迭代过程来...
Enterprise Suite(173) Altair Platforms Altair HyperWorks(44) Altair RapidMiner(9) Altair HPCWorks(16) Applications EDA(15) Electromagnetics(22) Fluids & Thermal(23) Industrial Design(9) Internet of Things(7) Manufacturing(34) Multiphysics(80) Structures(71) Systems Modeling(33) Data Prep & ETL(...
(AEC) industry. It serves as a reference for engineers and designers, outlining the regional standards and codes available within Altair's suite of tools, including S-FRAME, S-STEEL, S-CONCRETE, S-LINE, S-FOUNDATION, and S-TIMBER. These tools enable analysis and design of various structural...
(AEC) industry. It serves as a reference for engineers and designers, outlining the regional standards and codes available within Altair's suite of tools, including S-FRAME, S-STEEL, S-CONCRETE, S-LINE, S-FOUNDATION, and S-TIMBER. These tools enable analysis and design of various structural...
[软件] Altair S-FRAME Software Suite系列结构分析软件下载汇总 Lucase 2025-2-17 0122 Lucase 2025-2-17 19:38 [图书] 《HyperMesh实用工程技术》- 正版书 好书推荐 2023-6-20 102794 jsy123 2025-2-16 22:56 [培训] 《Altair OptiStruct振动力学与结构力学案例实战课程》 ...2 大师课程 2020-6-...
Altair® S-FOUNDATION™ S-FOUNDATION is structural design software for both deep and shallow foundation analysis and design that's used by civil, structural, and geotechnical engineers. Altair® S-FRAME® Use S-FRAME to analyze and design any structure regardless of its geometric complexity,...