该研究旨对可切除的II–IIIA期非小细胞肺癌术后给予S-1单药与CDDP联合S-1辅助化疗各自的疗效及安全性进行比较,同时找寻与预后相关的生物标志物。 研究共纳入200名符合条件的患者,并将其随机分为S-1单药组(S组)(S-1:40mg/m2, 2/日;连续给药2周,休一周;每3周一个周期,持续给药1年)和CDDP+S-1组(CS...
中国大陆进行的随机对照试验(Ⅲ)研究,比较了替吉奥单药与S-1+P方案以及FP方案的疗效,前两组的给药方法与SPIRITS试验相同, FP组的给药方案为:5-FU 600 mg/m2 d-1、civ×5 d,CDDP 20 mg/m2、iv×5 d、q4w。有15个中
1 S-1组成 吉美嘧啶(CDHP)强效竞争性抑制DPD对5-Fu的分解,提高血液和肿瘤组织中5-Fu的浓度和作用时间 0.4摩尔比 奥替拉西钾(OXO)奥替拉西钾经口服吸收后可在胃肠道内选择性地作用于OPRT(乳清酸磷酸核糖转移酶),阻断5-Fu磷酸化,减轻5Fu引起的胃肠道毒副作用 1 S-1作用机制 TegafurO HNF OON 1 半衰期...
时间依赖剂量依赖合并生物调节剂Leucovorin可增效 5-FU的代谢和作用机制 dUMP dTMPDNA LV 5FU 半衰期非常短:6-15mins 5,10-CH2-THF TS 三元化合物 5-FU15% DPD85% FdUMPFUMP F-β-alanine(神经毒性、心脏毒性、手足综合症)分解 活化 抑制DNA合成 FdUTP FUTP抑制RNA功能 大肠癌Meta分析:5-FU持续静滴Vs5...
Here we present a valuable case of advanced gastric cancer with synchronous liver metastasis, which was treated by S-1 + CDDP and S-1 therapy without surgery. A 58-year-old man was referred to our hospital with a diagnosis of advanced gastric cancer with liver metastasis at stage of ...
The group of 14 patients with advanced gastric cancer received combination chemotherapy with S-1 and cis-diamminedichloroplatinum (CDDP) as a neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC). This regimen was repeated every 5 weeks for a total of 2–5 cycles. The 25 patients with Stage III gastric cancer was ...
机译:非放射性渐进性胃癌的情况,通过S-1老化进行长期外来S-1 /低剂量CDDP治疗 3. s-1の経腸瘻投与により長期間の外来S-1/低用量CDDP療法を施行し得た根治切除不能進行胃癌の1例 [J] . 園田寛道, 濱田隼一, 下村克己, 癌と化学療法 . 2011,第7期 机译:一例不可切除的晚期胃癌,可通过施行s...
A review of the published literature was undertaken to ascertain the trends in treatment schedules of combination of an oral fluorouracil derivative S-1 with low-dose CDDP (25 mg/m2 or less) for un-resectable and recurrent gastric cancer. The case reports demonstrated as follows: S-1 was give...
We have developed a triplet-drug combination regimen consisting of docetaxel, CDDP, and S-1 (DCS) and recently carried out a feasibility study of DCS-trastuzumab (DCS-T) for patients with HER2-positive unresectable metastatic gastric cancer. We reported that both regimens are associated with a ...
[7] Jin ML,Lu HS,Li J,et a1.Randomized 3-armed phaseⅢstudy of S-l monotherapy versus S-1/CDDP(FP)in patients (pts) with advanced gastric cancer(AGC):SC-101 study[J].Proc ASCO,2008,26:221. [8]王哲海,郭珺,陈阵,等.多西紫杉醇联合奥沙利铂和5-氟尿嘧啶双周方案治疗晚期胃癌的初步研究...