The Standard and Poor's 500 index sporting an average annual return of 0.81 percent. 标准普尔500指数显示了在那十年期间平均每年达到0.81%的回报。 最好有前后文,因为我不能确定这是完整的句子亦或是句子的一部分。如果是完整句子的话,则该句缺少了助动词。sportig应该是sporting之误,意思即显示,这里用现在...
The 1998 study found that the return of the S&P 500 was five and one half times greater than the return earned by the average investor. All three studies showed that the typical mutual fund investor earned inferior returns to the S&P 500 as well as the average mutual fund....
return on average assets of 1.72%, an annualised return on average equity of 26.36% and a net interest margin of 3.29%, representing increases of 0.54, 6.56 and 0.18 percentage pointsoverthe same period of the previous year respectively. Its capital adequacy ratio was 12.06% while its core ...
However, unlike DCTCP that es- timates the level of congestion by computing an average ECN ratio, MP-RDMA reacts directly upon ACKs. As packets are rarely dropped in an RDMA network, react- ing to every ACK would be precise and reliable. More- over, it is very simple to implement the...
Our annualized return on average total assets and annualized return on weighted average net assets were 1.35% and 23.22%, respectively. Our cost-to-income ratio was 31.99%, representing a decrease of 1.73 percentage points compared to the same period of the previous year. We also made ...
27350 25350 23350 Last Price High on 12/27/06 Average Low on 11/02/05 4.95 5.06 3.36 2.316 21350 19350 17350 2.35 15350 13350 4.95 CCB Heng Seng Index Annual Report 2006 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS The table below sets forth the consolidated financial summary of the Bank and its subsidiaries (colle...
As at the end of the year, 536 existing customers were granted with loan interest deductions, which totalled RMB11.6448 million, with an average interest reduction per household posting RMB21,700. Consequently, the loan yield was 7.25%, 106 BPs lower than that at the beginning of the year. ...
(%) Return on average total assets1 Return on weighted average net assets2 Net interest margin3 Net interest spread4 Return on risk-weighted assets5 Net fee and commission income to operating income Cost-to-income ratio6 DATA PER SHARE (RMB Yuan) Basic earnings per share2 Net cash per ...
Some 28 percent were drilled no deeper than 2,500 feet. Yet, average total depth increased by 141 feet as compared to 1977, total footage was up by 14 percent and the number of wells that went to 15,000 feet or deeper was up by 46 percent. The outlook at the end of 1978 was for...
美国大学采用的GPA(Grade Point Average,平均学分绩点)系统为4分制,最高分是4.0,谷爱凌的GPA是4.0,也就是官方定义的“满分”。 发出质疑的网友还说,谷爱凌的成绩量化成国内高考理综成绩,差不多是300分得200以上。 用750分制估算一下,大概考500多分的样子。