The Standard and Poor's 500 index sporting an average annual return of 0.81 percent. 标准普尔500指数显示了在那十年期间平均每年达到0.81%的回报。 最好有前后文,因为我不能确定这是完整的句子亦或是句子的一部分。如果是完整句子的话,则该句缺少了助动词。sportig应该是sporting之误,意思即显示,这里用现在...
Agricultural Bank of China Limited Annual Report Profile The predecessor of Agricultural Bank of China is Agricultural Cooperative Bank established in 1951. Since late 1970s, we have evolved from a state-owned specialized bank to a wholly state-owned commercial bank and then a state-controlled ...
Since the late 1970s, the Bank has evolved from a state-owned specialized bank to a wholly state-owned commercial bank and subsequently a state-controlled commercial bank. The Bank was restructured into a joint stock limited liability company in January 2009. The Bank was listed on the Shang...
Since the outbreak of COVID-19, employees of the Bank overcame various difficulties to ensure the financial service stability and play a positive role of financial services during epidemic prevention and control. The Bank supported the government and hospitals in giving priority with their financial ...
China’s economy grew by 6.7% and per capita household income grew by less than2% on an annual average basis. In the past four decades of reform and opening-up,however, household income growth (about 11%) slightly outpaced GDP annualgrowth rate (about 10%). In this sense, the three ...
China’s economy grew by 6.7% and per capita household income grew by less than2% on an annual average basis. In the past four decades of reform and opening-up,however, household income growth (about 11%) slightly outpaced GDP annualgrowth rate (about 10%). In this sense, the three ...
年回报率(Annual Return)年回报率是指投资在一年内所获得的收益与原始投资金额之间的比率。计算公式如下:Yearly Return = (Ending Value - Beginning Value) / Beginning Value 1.内部回报率(Internal Rate of Return, IRR)内部回报率是指使得投资项目的净现值(NPV)为零的折现率。换句话说,IRR是一个预期...