Dataset 作者先论述了基于视频的暴力行为检测越来越受关注(安防摄像头的猛增),然而人为地实时监督如此大的视频数据代价十分大,因此自动从视频中识别出犯罪现场重要且具有挑战性。 如上是几个现有的暴力检测视频数据集的对比,Hockey Fight是从美国国家冰球联盟比赛中采集的视频,包含1000个clip,每个约2s,分辨率为360*288,...
Since the dataset contains 2,000 video clips extracted from about 1,000 unique videos, we have manually checked the train set and test set to avoid the data leakage between different parts. We suggest you to keep the original partition and only separate a validation set from the train set,...
TrackingNet: A Large-Scale Dataset and Benchmark for Object Tracking in the Wild 数据集!!! 苦苦等了好久好久,终于等到这么一个是用于目标跟踪的超大数据集了! 本数据集特色总结如下: 1,规模大:包含3万+个视频以及1420万个标注框——真的是爽到哭啊,OTB100才100个视频算什么?ImageNetVideo2015才3000多个...
In this paper, we summarize several existing video datasets for violence detection and propose a new video dataset with more than 2,000 videos captured by surveillance cameras in real-world scenes. Also, we present a new method that utilizes both the merits of 3D-CNNs and optical flow, ...