Crowd Violence设计为评估暴力检测在密集人群场景中的质量,与真实场景很接近,但是数据集仍然不足,且质量不高。RWF 2000从You Tube中采集,包括2000个clip,所有都是从安防摄像头中获取,没有经过多媒体技术的修改,因此可以用于现实应用。 Algorithm 由于视频中连续帧高度相关,而对于识别人的行为的兴趣领域往往仅占很小一...
2019:RWF-2000: An Open Large Scale Video Database for Violence Detection一个开放的大规模暴力检测视频数据库 技术标签:暴恐检测计算机视觉 查看原文 video analysis 论文阅读-Two-stream网络 图像的通道很适合卷积网络,如图2所示。我们将L个连续帧的流通道堆叠起来,形成总共2L个输入通道(x分量 + y分量)。 双向...
RWF2000 - A Large Scale Video Database for Violence Detection Introduction File Description Dataset Problems Demo Download Note RWF2000 - A Large Scale Video Database for Violence Detection Introduction With the increasing of surveillance cameras in modern cities, huge amount of videos can be collecte...
Also, we present a new method that utilizes both the merits of 3D-CNNs and optical flow, namely Flow Gated Network. The proposed approach obtains an accuracy of 86.75% on the test set of our proposed RWF-2000 database. 展开 年份: 2019 ...
A large scale video database for violence detection, which has 2,000 video clips containing violent or non-violent behaviours. - Forks · mchengny/RWF2000-Video-Database-for-Violence-Detection
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