针对您遇到的“rviz: symbol lookup error: /opt/ros/noetic/lib/librviz.so: undefined symbol”错误,我将根据提供的提示和搜索结果,逐一分析并给出解决方案。 1. 确认错误信息的完整内容 首先,确保您看到的错误信息完整。完整的错误信息通常包含更多的上下文,有助于更准确地定位问题。 2. 检查librviz.so库及其...
rviz2: symbol lookup error: /home/felipe/Documents/Github/carla_ws/install/rviz_carla_plugin/lib/librviz_carla_plugin.so: undefined symbol: _ZN3tf27fromMsgERKN13geometry_msgs3msg11Quaternion_ISaIvEEERNS_10QuaternionE Additional information There is a lot of stuff going on in this setup, so ...
启动仿真环境及各种节点(amcl,move_base,map_server)后,在rviz中设定机器人的目标位置,后台日志报错 [ INFO] [1571974242.864525935, 40.511000000]: Got new plan [ERROR] [1571974242.964186066, 40.612000000]: Extrapolation Error: Lookup would require extrapolation into the future. Requested time 40.585000000 but ...
Sorry maybe I missed it, but I do not see an error rather warnings. Could you highlight the error you are talking about ? For the second part of your discussion, could you elaborate on which version gazebo_ros2_control and gazebo_ros_pkgs you are working ? I tested everything with com...
Fixed the marker display to allow namespaces to be enabled/disabled based on the loaded config. Also enabled state is stored for each namespace in a map, which is used to lookup the state whenever a namespace is added to the display. See pull request:#962 ...