docker 进rt终端,进入/app/rutorrent/plugins 目录输入git clone mobile 等待完成,重新启动rt即可,然后禁用ipad插件.我连接不好下载不来,卡在41%, 在腾讯云有个10元的主机,下载后winscp下载到本地.然后在docker 挂载卷 /app/rutorrent/plugins/mobile 到 本...
I would like to request rTorrent + RuTorrent + RSS plugin.Looks like uTorrent, it seems to me that this would be the best frontend for rTorrent and the best client bit-torrent.frontend Web:
mkdir -p /mnt/docker/rutorrent/config/custom_plugins git clone /mnt/docker/rutorrent/config/custom_plugins/ratiocolor Add custom theme : Donwload a theme for example in this repository
打开/var/services/web/rutorrent/conf/plugins.ini,在最后添加下面两行内容即可关闭_cloudflare插件: [_cloudflare]enabled = no 配置 注意在rutorrent webui设置里修改rtorrent相关的配置只对本次启动有效,如果重新启动套件或者NAS,会重新从rtorrent.rc加载配置,一些基本参数如下: ...
Another important point: The default rss update interval is QUITE long (30 minutes) you will probably wish to change this to 10 minutes...or even 3-5. This is done by editing the file [rutorrent's files]/plugins/rss/conf.php
What it will do: Install a web server (*) Install ruTorrent with multi-user support (http and https) Install 1st party ruTorrent plugins Install an encrypted FTP server (vsftpd) Install rtorrent with xmlrpc-c support Install theIRC auto downloader plugin (autodl-irssi) ...
RTorrent 不同于 transmission 有第三方的源可以直接装, 而需要自己通过 optware(ipkg) 来安装. 所以首先需要准备好 optware 环境, 安装的过程可以参考:How to Install Bootstrap - SynologyWiki 另外每次升级系统以后也需要重新安装下 optware. 安装RTorrent ...
Platform image:linux/amd64,linux/arm64 Based on Alpine Linux 3.20 php 8.2 Provides by default a solid configuration No root process Persitance custom configuration for rutorrent and rtorrent Add your own rutorrent plugins and themes Filebot is included, and creates symlinks in/data/media(choose...