Aria2cis a lightweight, and highly minimal download manager for Linux. Unlike Transmission and rTorrent, aria2c is a multi-protocol download client which means that you can also use it to download non-torrent files. You can obtain it by running the following command: sudoaptinstallaria2c To...
5 of course is the download path, i tend to use auto-tools so i have label directories set up...but anything your rtorrent user has permission for is fine here for 6, i use the default mostly, but your needs may vary. This basically decides how often a filter should be matched. The...
Use rTorrent AnonymousAugust 26, 2009 Hey you,maybe you can help me? Since The Pirate Bay has been shut down on the 24th, my downloads stopped and they didn't restart although the Bay is online again. I read that restarting Trans...
It can be very convenient, for those who use services such as zoneminder, rtorrent, etc., to have a “Gmail Relay” to send maisl from your Gmail account. In this guide we will see how to configure postfix to send email with our account The guide is based on Arc...
I've added the port I am forwarding, same port is forwarded in my router and I put it in transmission and rtorrent. Whatever configuration of port forwarding you have in your router is not used with Mullvad's port forwarding. You need to manage your forwarded ports...
I made a test using VUZE and i saw that my ISP provider reduce DL speed if I use no encryption or use plain encription. When I changed to RC4 level, I noticed that I all throughput available was used. Now, I want to enable Download Station, using RC4 level. Through DowloadStation ...
You can check Mullvad's Server Status page to determine which server you feel is the best for long-term use, without having to worry about changing anything in the near future. Click to expand... @winnielinnie Hey I just wanted to thank you! I was connecting wit...
replaced anytime if a newly started application needs that memory. Linux systems are made like this to use so much memory for disk cache because the RAM is wasted if it is not used and if something needs the same data again, then there is a very good chance to be in the cache memory...
Making Use of Anti-Cryptomining Extensions Browser extensions can keep cryptominers at bay. Since web browsers are oftentimes a preferred platform by attackers for cryptojacking script deployment, it is essential to use anti-crypto mining extensions. Anti-Miner, MinerBlock, No Coin, etc. are some ...
a malicious user could use the tool to easily log in as adminstrator without knowing the owner's password and steal sensitive info, or cause damage to your computer (or worse). I'm going to show you all, step-by-step, how to use the tool, as well as how protect yourself from it....