move occurs because str has type std::string::String, which does not implement the Copy trait。这个又涉及到一个新的知识点trai,这里我们先不细究,总之就是默认下,会产生移动语义。 str把这个字符串给了str2了,而Rust同一时间只能有一个所有者,所以现在str2是这个字符串的所有者,str啥也不是!str的生命...
| -- move occurs because `s1` hastype`String`,whichdoes not implement the `Copy` trait 4 |lets2 = s1; | -- value moved here 5 | 6 | println!("{}, world!", s1); | ^^ value borrowed here after move | = note: this error originatesinthe macro `$crate::format_args_nl` (in...
| -- move occurs because `s1` has type `String`, which does not implement the `Copy` trait 4 | let s2 = s1; | -- value moved here 5 | 6 | println!("{}, world!", s1); | ^^ value borrowed here after move | = note: this error originates in the macro `$crate::format_a...
which does not implement the `Copy` trait error: aborting due to 2 previous errors 啊哈!第一个错误信息中说,counter 所有权被移动进了 handle 所代表线程的闭包中。因此我们无法在第二个线程中再次捕获 counter , Rust 告诉我们不能将 counter 的所有权移动到多个线程中。所以错误原因明朗了,因为我们在循环...
| - move occurs because `a` has type `Value`, which does not implement the `Copy` trait 15 | if let (Value::Nil, Value::Str(s)) = (a, b) { // <<< | - value moved here ... 20 | handle_and_consume_values(a, b); ...
error[E0382]: borrow of moved value: `s1`--> src/|2| let s1 = String::from("hello");| -- move occurs because `s1` has type `std::string::String`, which does notimplement the `Copy` trait3| let s2 =s1;| --value moved here4| println!("s1 : {}", s1);|...
| --- move occurs becausephas typePoint, which does not implement theCopytrait 12 | p.x += 1; 13 | f2(p); | - value moved here 14 | println!("{},{}", p.x, p.y); | ^^^ value borrowed here after move | = note: this error originates in the macro$crate::format_args_...
'std::vec::Vec <Cereal>', which does not implement the 'Copy' trait 9 | grains.push(Cereal::Rye); 10 | drop(grains); | --- value moved here 11 | 12 | println!("{:?}", grains); | ^^^ value borrowed here after move error: aborting...
Compiling ownership v0.1.0(file:///projects/ownership)error[E0382]:borrowofmoved value:`s1`-->src/|2|lets1=String::from("hello");|--move occurs because`s1`has type`String`,which does not implement the`Copy`trait3|lets2=s1;|--value moved here4|5|println!("{}, world...
| -- move occurs because `s1` has type `String`, which does not implement the `Copy` trait 3 | let s2 = s1; | -- value moved here 4 | println!("{}, world!", s1); | ^^ value borrowed here after move 这是Rust中的所有权的概念,当 let s1 这行代码执行后,后面就不再有 s1 ...