Actors need to support having their message types sent over the network link. This is done by overriding specific methods of the ractor::Message trait all messages need to support. Due to the lack of specialization support in Rust, if you choose to use ractor_cluster you'll need to derive...
}onmessage(event) {if(event.type==="send-wasm-module") {// PitchNode has sent us a message containing the Wasm library to load into// our context as well as information about the audio device used for// recording.init(WebAssembly.compile(event.wasmBytes)).then(() =>{this.port.postM...
Sourcegraph have a beta version of an lsp client,here. I've set it up and configured it, and I've gotrls(e24fc84, on Nightly6f10e2f63) running too. Predictably, it's not working yet, but it looks like: sublime-lspis sending data torls it's getting responses What are some next s...