implement 实现 implementor 实现者 implicit 隐式 implicit discriminator 隐式的辨别值 implicit type conversion 隐式类型转换 import 导入 in assignment 在赋值(语句) index 索引 英语复数形式:indices infer 推导(动词) inference 推导(名词) inherited mutability 承袭可变性 inheritance 继承 integrat...
Implement `Read` and `Write` on `Arc<TcpStream>` and `Arc<UnixStream>`. #134190 commented on Mar 1, 2025 • 0 new comments Add provider-style API to `Context` #135051 commented on Mar 2, 2025 • 0 new comments lint / ImproperCTypes: better handling of indirections, take ...
History Rust 语言术语中英文对照表 English 英文Chinese 中文Note 备注 A Abstract Syntax Tree抽象语法树 ABI应用程序二进制接口Application Binary Interface 缩写 accumulator累加器 accumulator variable累加器变量 ahead-of-time compiled预编译 ahead-of-time compiled language预编译语言 ...
cargo clean 或者 rm -rf ~/.cargo/registry/index/* ~/.cargo/.package-cache 序列化重命名 #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] can't compare `std::string::String` with `std::option::Option<std::string::String>` the trait `PartialEq<std::option::Option<std::string::String>>` is no...
在Rust 中,Traits 用于定义类型的共享功能。而在 C++ 中,我们可以用 CRTP 在编译时强制类实现特定的函数来实现静态多态性。CRTP 还允许在基类中实现默认功能,我以前曾用这种方法来定义迭代器类型,只要基类实现了 operator[],就可以减少大量模板代码的编写。
Intro to Ownership The Stack and Heap Scope and Ownership The Copy Trait The String Type The push_str Method on a String Type Moves and Ownership The drop Function The clone Method References and Borrowing The Dereference Operator String, &String, str, and &str The Copy Trait with References...
对于以JavaScript为主的Node.js开发者来说,你可能不太熟悉类似于“std::wx::y”或“&xyz”之类的表述,但是没关系,我会详细解释。 与JavaScript和Node.js相比,Rust是一门较为低级的语言。这意味着,你需要熟悉计算机的工作原理,才能真正理解Rust。而Node.js更为高级,通常接触不到这些表述。
提交 .cargo chore: use workspace-wide lints (#3352) 12个月前 .config build: on windows (#2054) 2年前 .github ci: use the repository variable to pass to image-name (#5517) 4天前 config feat: implement Jaeger query APIs (#5452) ...
For array indexing, this is actually the most common scenario, and so the index operator in Rust actually panics for us if we specify an out-of-bounds index. Anunsafechecked array indexing method containeris available, as is one thatnever panics and instead returns anOption, but most of the...