he's on his way up to see you/to the fifth floor il est en train de monter vous voir/au cinquième étage it needs to be a bit further up (picture etc) il faut le mettre un peu plus haut all the way up jusqu'en haut, jusqu'au sommet 2. up (ahead): up d'avance to ...
status 【See how many players are online on server.(查看在线玩家数量)】 notice.popupall "message" 【Pops up a message for all players.(发送服务器公告,在每个玩家屏幕上弹出)】 find * 【Lists available console commands.(列出控制台指令)】 kick "player" 【Kicks player from the server.(踢出某...
See All Synonyms & Antonyms in Thesaurus Examples of rustic in a Sentence Adjective The inn has a rustic atmosphere. rustic yokels whose first impulse was to smirk gawkily at anyone not of their own kind Noun a rustic who was awed by the prices that city dwellers had to pay Recent ...
Stranded on an island with dinosaurs is a pitch that needs no convincing.Ark Survival Evolvedcontains all the basic survival mechanics you would see in other survival games: You have a health and food meter, you hold an inventory of weapons and food, and of course, you can build a base. ...
also beginning with rust-bisect I'm not able to find a regression Copy link Contributor pacakcommentedJun 25, 2024 64 bit linux, values are all over the place for both 1.79 and a recent nightly, but I don't see any significant difference. Same range, same mean value. ...
See more hour-by-hour weather Forecast for the next 48 hours 星期五星期六星期日 AfternoonEveningNightMorningAfternoonEveningNight Forecast Temperature11 °C6 °C3 °C2 °C10 °C4 °C0 °C Overcast.Overcast.Overcast.Overcast.Mostly cloudy.Clear.Clear. ...
One can introduce and use these amazing hacks to see enemy, assemble bases, get greater security of you, your companions, and your loot, discover a reserve, take over different territories and bases, obtain assets and components for C4 explosives, etc. A portion of the highlights of our ...
Wolves only respond to howls from their own pack, making it less common for packs of more that 4 wolves to form • Wolves won't see crouched players unless they are very close, allowing for melee attacks from the back • Wolves sight is reduced at night ...
If you're familiar with the lines "Water, water, everywhere, nor any drop to drink" from the poem "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner," you'll understand that most of this water -- 97 percent of it -- is undrinkable because it's saltwater (see illustration on next page). Only 3 ...
2月14日 (五)-7時52分19時24分1時11分(50.0°)397,36198.0% * All times are local time for Rust. They take into accountrefraction. Dates are based on theGregorian calendar. Illumination is calculated at lunar noon. See full month's Moon...