chore: change security report email (#7760) Sep 2, 2024 THIRD-PARTY-LICENSE chore(license): split third party licenses to a separate file (#3216) May 19, 2023 api-extractor.json chore(deps): update typescript to v5.6 (#8145) Oct 17, 2024 ...
cargo-watch - utility for cargo to compile projects when sources change dtolnay/cargo-expand - Expand macros in your source code CMake Devolutions/CMakeRust - useful for integrating a Rust library into a CMake project SiegeLord/RustCMake - an example project showing usage of CMake with Rus...
Fix cfg-check lint errors, update glam to 0.29, wgpu to 22.1 (#1157) 5个月前 rust-toolchain.toml rustup: update tonightly-2023-09-30. 1年前 rustfmt.toml Addrustfmt.tomlwithversion = "Two"to enable formatting array patterns. 2年前 ...
cargo-watch - utility for cargo to compile projects when sources change dtolnay/cargo-expand - Expand macros in your source code CMake Devolutions/CMakeRust - useful for integrating a Rust library into a CMake project SiegeLord/RustCMake - an example project showing usage of CMake with Rus...
Notes It's recommended to add$CARGO_HOMEtoworkspace.ignoredFoldersto stop rust-analyzer runscargo checkon sysroot crates: "workspace.ignoredFolders": ["$HOME","$HOME/.cargo/**","$HOME/.rustup/**"], Configurations This extension is configured using a jsonc file. You can open this configur...
timer.start(1.Hz()).unwrap();// Wait for the timer to trigger an update and change the state of the LEDloop{ block!(timer.wait()).unwrap(); led.set_high(); block!(timer.wait()).unwrap(); led.set_low(); } } 代码 编译 ...
Rust 的迭代器可以组合成链状,作为一个单元一起被优化。因此,你可以调用,而不是对同一个缓存区多次写入的一系列调用。 同样,通过 Read 和 Write 接口,接收一些未缓存的流数据,在流中执行 CRC 校验,然后将其转码、压缩,再写入网络中,所有这些都可以在...
shared-flatbuffers: the Rust code generated from our Flatbuffer definitions as well as some additional code for working with those generated types. The generated code is fairly large, and we don’t change the Flatbuffer definitions very often so having this in a separate crate helps us avoid ...
rust-cpython will most likely stay abandoned; I rarely have the time (or interest) to work on it. The commit today was me just finally finishing up a change I started in February... 看来是一位任性的程序员大牛 然后一个微软的程序员fafhrd91发起了 Pyo3 项目。值得一提的是,fafhrd91还是 Act...