clap会帮你处理命令行参数,可以自定义友好提示,支持函数式操作,非常方便。 复制 use clap::App;fn main(){App::new("myapp").version("1.0").about("Does great things!").author("Kevin K.").get_matches();}$ myapp--helpmyapp1.0Kevin K. Does great things!USAGE:myapp[FLAGS]...
Library usage useraw_cpuid::CpuId;letcpuid =CpuId::new();ifletSome(vf)= cpuid.get_vendor_info(){assert!(vf.as_str()=="GenuineIntel"|| vf.as_str()=="AuthenticAMD");}lethas_sse = cpuid.get_feature_info().map_or(false,|finfo| finfo.has_sse());ifhas_sse{println!("CPU su...
使用 Rust 编写 eBPF 程序并编译为 Wasm 模块 使用 OCI 镜像发布、部署、管理 eBPF 程序,获得类似 Do...
cargo-call-stack Static, whole program stack usage analyzer. cargo-dfu Cargo extension for flashing embedded rust programs via DFU. espflash Serial flasher utility for Espressif SoCs and modules. - espup Tool for installing and maintaining Espressif Rust ecosystem. - uf2 Converts binary files ...
cfg(target_os ="windows")]constUSAGE:&str="Usage:akv_mem.exeFILEgetKEYakv_mem.exeFILEdelete...
CPU usage Since an immediate mode GUI does a full layout each frame, the layout code needs to be quick. If you have a very complex GUI this can tax the CPU. In particular, having a very large UI in a scroll area (with very long scrollback) can be slow, as the content needs to ...
I'm using CLion with the new RustRover plugin.A few weeks ago, when I was using the old Rust plugin, the Rust support in the editor...
Awesome Rust If you want to contribute, please readthis
v86 是一个基于 Rust 和 WebAssembly 的开源项目,它模拟了兼容 x86 的 CPU 和硬件,可以直接在浏览器里运行虚拟机 暂无标签 C/C++等 6 种语言 BSD-2-Clause 保存更改 发行版 暂无发行版 v86 开源评估指数 生产力 ...
Improving CPU usage Condition variable Showing the song's current time Loading and saving the playlist Saving a playlist Loading a playlist Using gstreamer for playback Summary Music Player in a More Rusty Way with Relm Reasons to use relm instead of gtk-rs directly State mutation Asynchronous us...