@文心快码rust failed to find a workspace root 文心快码 遇到“rust failed to find a workspace root”的错误通常意味着Rust工具链(如rustc、cargo或IDE插件如rust-analyzer)无法在当前目录或其父目录中找到有效的Cargo.toml文件,该文件是Rust工作区的标识。以下是一些解决步骤,帮助你解决这个问题: 确认当前目录:...
Here's a bunch of ways we can improve this: if there are no projects, we should show red/yellow status. in the status, and in the "rust-analyzer failed to discover workspace" error notification, we should say HOW TO ACTUALLY FIX THE PROBLEM (it's ridiculous that we don't do this,...
LSP :: Connected to [rust-analyzer:94373 status:starting]. [2 times] LSP :: rust-analyzer:94373 initialized successfully LSP :: rust-analyzer failed to load workspace: Failed to find sysroot for Cargo.toml file /Users/yufuku/Develop/Rust/hello/Cargo.toml. Is rust-src installed?: could no...
When I started learning a new programming language more than 20 years ago, we had access to the Visual Studio 6 MSDN library, installed from 6 CD-ROMs. Algorithms with pen and paper, design pattern books, and MSDN queries to figure out the correct type were often time-consuming. ...
我运行x86_64 Fedora Linux31主机,并希望编译一些最简单的rust代码: fn main() { println!("Hello, world!");} 它从主机到这个主...
可以从.crates/cli目录使用cargo run运行命令行界面(CLI)项目, 不过 cargo 可以在任何一个次级箱(sub-crate) 中使用-p标志运行命令。在项目的root根目录中,使用cargo run -p cli来运行cli包的默认二进制代码。 输出: $ cargo run -p cli Module loaded ...
#16905,#16927renameProcMacroKind::FuncLiketoBang. #16919handleself::superin paths. #16880use--workspaceand--no-fail-fastin test explorer. #16868handle attributes when auto-closing left braces. #16822improve resolution for inlay hints targetting the same position. ...
pub fn try_div(a: i32, b: i32) -> Result<i32, String> { if b == 0 { Err(String::from("Divide-by-zero")) } else { Ok(a / b) } } 文档注释中的代码跳转 跳转到标准库 /// `add_one` 返回一个[`Option`]类型 pub fn add_one(x: i32) -> Option<i32> { ...
rust-analyzer failed to load workspace: Failed to find sysroot for Cargo.toml file ./rust_new/Cargo.toml. Is rust-src installed?: rustup component add rust-src failed I didn't install with rustup, and I figured I wouldn't need to. This suggests I must, but why? Does this suggest...