ERROR: [ERROR rust_analyzer::main_loop] FetchWorkspaceError: rust-analyzer failed to load workspace: Failed to read Cargo metadata from Cargo.toml file /home/sharan/rust/apr1/Cargo.toml, Some(Version { major: 1, minor: 68, patch: 2 }): Failed to runcd "/home/sharan/rust/apr1" && ...
rust-analyzer failed to load workspace: Failed to find sysroot for Cargo.toml file /Users/.../workspace/.../Cargo.toml. Is rust-src installed?: could not find libcore in sysroot path `/Users/.../.rustup/toolchains/nightly-x86_64-apple-darwin/lib/rustlib/src/rust/src` 👍 1 rsig...
rust-analyzer failed to load workspace: "cargo" "--version" failed, exit status: 1 stderr: error: no override and no default toolchain set I am using pre-release of vscode extension, that's why i open a issue despite your info about it. I tried adding CARGO path but it didn't wo...
I'm a rust noob and I've installed rust-analyzer in vscode. On mostly every "get started" video on youtube RA seems to work out of the books but I get this error message:rust-analyzer failed to load workspace: Failed to read Cargo metadata from Cargo.toml file /home/remax/Storage/...
I installed rust-analyzer followingdocs/user/, but when opening any folder or adding it to workspace, it fails with the following error: rust-analyzer failed to load workspace: No such file or directory (os error 2) and with information: ...
This error does not seem to want to go away. I tried to add "rust-analyzer.server.extraEnv": {"CARGO":"~/.cargo/bin/cargo", }, to the settings.json, but now I get: rust-analyzer failed to load workspace:"~/.cargo/bin/cargo""--version"failed: No such file or directory (os ...
[ERROR rust_analyzer::main_loop] FetchWorkspaceError: rust-analyzer failed to load workspace: cd "/foo/scratch" && "cargo" "--version" failed: No such file or directory (os error 2) I have a workspace that has a bunch of crates in it now...