net.connect "Server IP" 【Connect to a direct server IP.(连接服务器IP,Server IP出填写服务器的IP)】 net.disconnect 【Disconnects from a server.(断开服务器连接)】 net.reconnect 【Reconnect to the last server you were on.(重新连接上一个服务器)】 censor.nudity false 【Disabled censorship.】...
server.hostname 【Sets a hostname.(设置服务器名称)】 server.clienttimeout "time"【Sets the time until someone times out. Good to fight item glitchers. (Default 2 minutes)(设置超时时长,默认为2分钟)】 server.pvp true/false 【Sets PVP on or off.(开启PVP)】 server.maxplayers "amount" 【S...
server.hostname 【Sets a hostname.(设置服务器名称)】 server.clienttimeout "time"【Sets the time until someone times out. Good to fight item glitchers. (Default 2 minutes)(设置超时时长,默认为2分钟)】 server.pvp true/false 【Sets PVP on or off.(开启PVP)】 server.maxplayers "amount" 【S...
net.connect "Server IP" 【Connect to a direct server IP.(连接服务器IP,Server IP出填写服务器的IP)】net.disconnect 【Disconnects from a server.(断开服务器连接)】net.reconnect 【Reconnect to the last server you were on.(重新连接上一个服务器)】censor.nudity false 【Disabled c...
输入玩家全名输入关键字即 575961 cei吧 天使枷锁丶 RUST 命令大全(包括服务器指令)net.connect "Server IP" 【Connect to a direct server IP.(连接服务器IP,Server IP出填写服务器的IP)】net.disconnect 【Disconnects from a server.(断开服务器连接)】net.reconnect 【Reconnect to the last server you ...
如何連接(How to connect):Rust Server Stats: Connect: steam://connect/群組:官方網頁:群:稍后开放 送TA礼物 1楼2022-07-08 18:11回复 ...
net.connect "Server IP" 【Connect to a direct server IP.(连接服务器IP,Server IP出填写服务器的IP)】 net.disconnect 【Disconnects from a server.(断开服务器连接)】 net.reconnect 【Reconnect to the last server you were on.(重新连接上一个服务器)】 ...
Once the loading screen is gone press F1 or F3 on your keyboard and paste one of the servers listed below and hit enter. Rust will connect to the server. You need to have Steam running. Use a fake account! Enjoy ! Don’t forget to run the game as administrator as it helps prevents...
cargo-embed A superset of cargo-flash with additional useful features like configuration file support, an RTT terminal, or a GDB server. - cargo-hf2 A small cargo subcommand to download cargo builds to Microsoft UF2 bootloaders via HID USB . - cargo-bloat Find out what takes most of ...
Rustodon - A Mastodon-compatible, ActivityPub-speaking server. Telegram tgt - A crossplatform TUI for Telegram System tools ajeetdsouza/zoxide - A fast alternative to cd that learns your habits atuin [atuin] - Atuin replaces your existing shell history with a SQLite database, and reco...