I want to use the gtk crate to write a small gui application for Windows. I was wondering if there is any chance I can cross-compile it from my Linux machine to Windows. When I try to compile my code against the x86_64-pc-windows-gnu target with PKG_CONFIG_SYSROOT_DIR=/usr/x86_6...
I'm trying to cross-compile a Rust library to 4 Android targets (i386, x86_64, armv7, and aarch64) from Windows. I have set up Android NDK toolchain for these targets and tried to compile my library with help ofthis tutorial. I think I've set up the toolchain correctly, and I'm...
使用cross进行交叉编译和cargo类似。也是需要指定需要编译的target cross run --target x86_64-pc-windows-gnu 1. 第一次运行时会花费一些时间,因为需要下载并启动适当的容器。 一旦完成,我们就会看到对应的代码输出。(正如上面图中的最后一行)。我们看到cross_compile.exe正在Windows环境上运行! 从上面的输出中可以看...
Cross compile Cargo project to Windows msvc target with ease. By using this software you are consented to accept the license athttps://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=2086102 Prerequisite For pure Rust project, no prerequisites needed.
x86_64-pc-windows-gnu x86_64-pc-windows-msvc x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu cross-rs to the rescue %[https://github.com/cross-rs/cross] With cross-rs we have an easy way to cross-compile our Rust applications. cross-rs works by using pre-made Dockerfiles to build and run your appli...
CtfeBacktrace枚举:用于描述编译时常量求值(Compile-Time Constant Evaluation)过程中的回溯(Backtrace)信息。 MetadataKind枚举:用于描述编译器生成的元数据(Metadata)的类型,包括各种模块、结构体、函数等。 CodegenUnits枚举:用于表示编译器生成的代码单元(Codegen Units)的类型,用于代码分块和分发等操作。
docker run --rm -v ‘your-pwd’:/app rust_cross_compile/windows The-rmoption will remove the container when the command completes. The-vcommand allows you to persist data after a container has existed by linking your container storage with your local machine. Replace‘your-pwd’with the abs...
html_compile:用于生成HTML字符串的模板引擎… aiken-project:Aiken项目工具 onefetch-ascii:在终端显示彩色的ascii艺术 minijinja-embed:为MiniJinja提供的模板嵌入支持 科学(Science) 科学类别涉及到数学、物理以及其他科学领域中问题的解决方案。 uom:单位测量库(Units of Measurement),用于Rust中的类型安全的单位转换和...
master 克隆/下载 git config --global user.name userName git config --global user.email userEmail 分支1 标签0 shaipeadd serde json demo0420db64年前 19 次提交 doc modify cross compile set 5年前 examples add serde json demo 4年前
CtfeBacktrace枚举:用于描述编译时常量求值(Compile-Time Constant Evaluation)过程中的回溯(Backtrace)信息。 MetadataKind枚举:用于描述编译器生成的元数据(Metadata)的类型,包括各种模块、结构体、函数等。 CodegenUnits枚举:用于表示编译器生成的代码单元(Codegen Units)的类型,用于代码分块和分发等操作。