Some commands are only designed to be used through the server console but can be used via a client with admin if prefixed with "sv", eg, thesaycommand that broadcasts a message in chat from the server can be only be used by the client by doingsv say Some commands have different funct...
dmg.godmode true/false 【Gives all logged in admins godmode.(开启/关闭所有人 创造 模式)】crafting.cancel 【Cancels every single crafting job in progress for everyone.(取消制作任何东西)】crafting.instant true/false 【Sets crafting to be instant for everyone.(开启/关闭瞬间制作)】crafting.instant...
NOTE Commands with an asterisk (*) in notes are only available via RCON, meaning that they might need to be inserted via the server console instead of the in-game console
This tab has admin tools if you have the appropriate server permissions.## Using the Console for Troubleshooting___The Console can also be used to troubleshoot issues and errors in the game. If you encounter a problem while playing Rust, try using the console to see if there are any error...
Using commands inRustcan be confusing, especially if you’re a brand new server owner. This is due to all the different possibilities, from controlling entities to configuring settings. Whether you’re managing other players or simply customizing the world, using admin commands is essential for cr...
How to Change the Time of Day in Rust Time of Day Commands Configuration Common Issues Useful Links Rust Admin Panel Rust Plugin Advert Messages Rust Plugin Better Chat Rust Plugin Dangerous Treasures Rust Plugin How to Add a Website URL to a Rust Server How to Add Plugins to a Rust...
Rust offers quite a selection of admin commands. Hit Control+F on your keyboard to search through the lists. To use these commands, you must have auth level 2, or admin authentication. We show you how to become admin within ourRust New Server Startup Guide - Becoming A Server Administrator...
Use Rustadmin to schedule commands to execute on your server. Scheduled commands can be executed at different times, specific days or periodically. Triggered commands The triggered commands are executed based on a game event. It can be a player (dis)connection, a player chat, an heli or cargo...
Rust admin panel (RustMonitor) See our 👉🏼 Live Instance Current features Multiple servers login record. Simple full control (Chat, Players and Console) on single screen Plugin enable/disable/reload and update checker Permissions groups and export/import to apply on multiple servers All configur...
works in RUST. Some teleport commands allow admins and moderators to teleport to the nearest person or entity, while others allow for them to teleport to a particular person, place, or coordinates in the game map. This post will teach you how to tp in RUST using console commands. ...