notice.popupall "message" 【Pops up a message for all players.(发送服务器公告,在每个玩家屏幕上弹出)】 find * 【Lists available console commands.(列出控制台指令)】 kick "player" 【Kicks player from the server.(踢出某个玩家)】 ban "player" or "steamid" 【Bans player. Doesn't kick him ...
grass.displace trueEnable grass displacement (flattens grass when stepped on) grass.displace falseDisable grass displacement killKill your character music.infoDisplay music info (current song, intensity, next song) perf 0Turn off all counters
How To Access The Console To access the console, all the player needs to do is tap "F1."A window will then open, allowing the player to type inputs. Using the console is simple, and the only thing players are likely to get hung up on is what to do with commands containing "true/...
rcon.login "password" 【Use your 'Password' to login into Rcon via ingame console (F1)。(使用控制台登录服务器)】 status 【See how many players are online on server.(查看在线玩家数量)】 notice.popupall "message" 【Pops up a message for all players.(发送服务器公告,在每个玩家屏幕上弹出)...
Console Tabs The Console is divided into five different tabs, each with its own set of features and functions: CONSOLE: This tab is where you can input console commands and variables to manipulate the game. INFO: This tab lists your computer details and current map specifics, such as the ...
console anyhow 现在,我们需要在src/main.rs中引入相关的功能,同时我们在处理cli变量的时候,用的是枚举值,所以我们需要引入clap中针对这类的操作。 use clap::{ + builder::EnumValueParser, Parser, Subcommand, + ValueEnum }; +use dialoguer::{
Console commands run via in-game console require the player running them has admin privileges. Console commands can also be run via rcon rustedit - Show all available console commands rustedit.apc.status - Show the current status of custom APCs ...
You can also do similar if you want to remove all bears from the serverdel assets/prefabs/npc/bear/bear_full.prefab Finding asset/prefab paths If you look at the entity you want to find the path of and use the console commanddebug.lookingatyou will get the path returned to you in F1...
These crates use the embedded-hal interface to support all the devices and systems that implement the embedded-hal traits.The list below contains drivers that have achieved the "released" status. To add a driver to this list, please ensure that your driver has a short blog post, article, ...
Status:This command provides the informational status of the player present in the gaming console. Players:This command shows all the information about the player current connected to the client. Users:This command also shows all the information about the currently connected users to the console. ...