This should significantly reduce the time it takes to join a server for the first time after it wipes. It may also reduce the number of players seeing "Rust is not responding" pop ups while joining servers for the first time. thumb_up531 ...
/// Ping (or WebPush Broadcast) should be sent to the Client or when we time /// out the Client for not responding to a previous Ping in time. The Ping /// encourages the connection to keep alive (it's more likely to be dropped if ...
I've written 3 tutorials to show you how to create a service enabled Android application that performs all of it's network I/O in a background thread (not the UI thread). These tutorials are split into three parts. This one shows you how to use Apache HTTP Client to connect to servic...
("KUKA Service Factory Interface"), oleautomation ] interface IKServiceFactory : IUnknown { HRESULT _stdcall GetService( [in] BSTR strServiceID, [in] BSTR strClientID, [out, retval] IKService** ppService); }; [ odl, uuid(3E858FB8-2191-4893-8BF2-41E997C0A4BB), helpstring("KUKA ...
The interface appears to be compatible if the check were to perform a comparison of what's inside the wl_interface, even though the addresses are not identical. Why aren't the addresses identical? The rust client implementation employs code generation to produce most of its code; here's an ...
The client download compressed files and decompress it I do #[async_trait] impl<'a> Stream for UpdatePackageStream<'a> { type Item = Result<SharedUpdateProgress, UpdateError>; async fn poll_next( self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut std::task::Context<'_>, ) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item...
Defense attorneys say their client is being smeared and unfairly scapegoated for problems beyond her control, including Baldwin's handling of the weapons. On Monday, they highlighted images of Kenney's "cluttered" business, a storage system without written inventories, and Kenney's "hazy" recollecti...
Metadata information for the samples was loaded into a MySQL database client version 5.5.68-MariaDB and expression values generated using kallisto [26] were loaded into a MongoDB database version 4.0.22 (Fig. 1). Transcript abundances, alongside the metadata and reference transcriptomes, was ...
Creating a libp2p clientLet’s start writing the main function to set up a peer within a peer-to-peer network.#[tokio::main] async fn main() { pretty_env_logger::init(); info!("Peer Id: {}", PEER_ID.clone()); let (response_sender, mut response_rcv) = mpsc::unbounded_channel...