enginesound - A GUI and command line application used to procedurally generate semi-realistic engine sounds. Featuring in-depth configuration, variable sample rate and a frequency analysis window. Festival - A local music player/server/client figsoda/mmtc [mmtc] - Minimal mpd terminal client that...
("{}/posts",BASE_API_URL);letmut posts:Vec<Post>=request_url(&client,&url).await?;posts.truncate(limit);letpost_idx_to_ids:Vec<(usize,i64)>=posts.iter().enumerate().map(|(idx,post)|(idx,post.id)).collect();// fetch post comments one after another.for(index,post_id)inpost_i...
From client-server networking using sockets to IPv4/v6, DNS, TCP, UDP, you will also learn about serializing and deserializing data using serde. The book shows how to communicate with REST servers over HTTP. The final part of the book discusses asynchronous network programming using the Tokio ...
use reqwest::Client; fn main() { let sched=block_on(initialize_cron_scheduler());//block_on(init_tokio_cron(sched.clone()));tauri::Builder::default() .manage(sched) .run(tauri::generate_context!()) .expect("error while running tauri application"); }///使用第三方定时器库///解决多个...
[tokio::main]async fn main -> Result<, reqwest::Error> { let mut headers = HeaderMap::new; headers.insert(USER_AGENT, "My Rust App/0.1".parse.unwrap); let client = reqwest::Client::builder .default_headers(headers) .build?; let res = client.get("https://httpbin.org/get") ....
使用reqwest 创建 http client; 设置url; 设置method; 设置headers; 设置params; 发送请求; 获取响应体。 第3 步:打印响应 打印http version 和 status,并使用 colored 赋予蓝色; 打印response headers,并使用 colored 赋予绿色; 确定content-type,如果是 json,我们就用 jsonxf 美化 json 串并使用 colored 赋予蓝...
又耳笔记 1声望2粉丝 « 上一篇 kubernetes client-go快速入门及源码阅读 下一篇 » RUST web框架axum快速入门教程1 引用和评论 注册登录 获取验证码 新手机号将自动注册 登录 微信登录免密码登录密码登录 继续即代表同意《服务协议》和《隐私政策》
json 对应的Content-Type是application/json 包含文件的表单 对应的Content-Type是multipart/form-data 上传表单 usereqwest::Result;#[tokio::main]asyncfnmain()->Result<()>{leturl="https://youerning.top";letclient=reqwest::Client::new();letmutparams=HashMap::new();params.insert("key2","value2...
git config --global user.name userName git config --global user.email userEmail 分支59 标签348 Josh Triplettutil: fix example ofBufimplementor in ...6d410f63天前 4026 次提交 提交 .github chore: use [lints] to address unexpected_cfgs lint (#7124) ...
ui.heading("My egui Application"); ui.horizontal(|ui| { ui.label("Your name: "); ui.text_edit_singleline(&mutname); }); ui.add(egui::Slider::new(&mutage,0..=120).text("age"));ifui.button("Increment").clicked() { age +=1; } ui.label(format!("Hello '{name}', age {...