本译文为Laura Engelstein所著的《Russia in Flames:War, Revolution, Civil War, 1914 - 1921》的翻译,仅做教学用途使用 如果我侵犯了您的权益,请联系我进行删除 译文不代表译者观点 译者能力有限,如有错误,欢迎在评论区指出 译本尚未进行第二次和第三次校正 导言 1913年,罗曼诺夫王朝庆祝了三个世纪的统治。1914...
Russian Revolution and Civil War WW2 Soviet Pilots WW2 Partisans Battle of STALINGRAD Soviets in Afghanistan Documents, Awards and Other Personal Items of Soviet VIPs IMPERIAL RUSSIA Russian Imperial ORDERS St. George Awards Imperial Russian Medals ...
A new flag with an entwined hammer and sickle symbolized the union between workers and peasants. After the Bolshevik Revolution, Lenin quickly sought peace with Germany. **A 3 YR. CIVIL WAR FOLLOWS. “Reds” win in 1920. Explain the governmental changes Lenin implemented? Lenin becomes the vir...
Jeffrey BrooksJournal of Social History
Volume 74, Issue 1, pages 165–167, Spring 2012Additional Information How to Cite Melancon, M. (2012), Russia's Peasants in Revolution and Civil War: Citizenship, Identity, and the Creation of the Soviet State, 1914–1922 – By Aaron B. Retish. Historian, 74: 165–167. doi: 10.1111/...
马克·斯坦伯格(Mark Steinberg)的书《俄国革命:1905-1921年俄国史》(The Russian Revolution, 1905–1921)所讨论的主题与史密斯的作品大致相同,但是斯坦伯格这本书的主观色彩更浓厚。斯坦伯格的语言有时让人读上去很费力,如斯坦伯格所宣称的,“有血有肉的个体”构成了他的书的核心。他的话似乎意味着,比起对事件进程...
Russia's Peasants in Revolution and Civil War: Citizenship, Identity, and the Creation of the Soviet State, 1914–1922. New York: Cambridge University Press. 2008. Pp. xiv, 294. $110.00 This book is a study of the manner and extent to which the rural inhabitants of a Russian province ...
During the Russian Revolution and Civil War three national Ukrainian governments existed: (1) The Central Rada (Council), led by Mykhailo Hrushevsky, (2) the "Hetman Monarchy" of Pavlo Skoropadsky, supported by the Germans, and (3) the 5 member Directory, led by Simon Petliura. The ...
Video showed rebels in military fatigues patrolling the streets of Aleppo, with some setting fire to a Syrian flag and others holding up the green, red, black and white flag of the revolution. While the streets appeared mostly empty, some residents came out to cheer the advancing rebel ...
The February Revolution overthrew the centuries-old monarchy of the Tsar; the October Revolution installed the communist Bolshevik Party under V.I. Lenin. The lack of success against the German and Austrian Empires, and the hyperinflation caused by unsustainable military spending by the Russian ...