Bolshevik Revolution Russian Civil War Sources Photo Galleries The Russian Revolution of 1917 was one of the most explosive political events of the 20th century. The violent revolution marked the end of the Romanov dynasty and centuries of Russian Imperial rule. Economic hardship, food shortages and...
33-第一次世界大战战场 World War I Battlefields 312023-08 5 34-第一次世界大战的平民,后方和不稳定的和平 WWI's Civilianssy Peace 452023-08 6 35-俄国革命和内战 Russian Revolution and Civil War 642023-08 7 36-第二次世界大战 World War II 342023-08 8 37-二战中的大屠杀、种族灭绝和大规模屠杀...
The Russian Revolution and Civil War in the years 1917 to 1921 is one of the most widely studied periods in history. It is also somewhat inevitably one that has generated a huge flow of literature in the decades that have passed since the events themselves. However, until now, historians of...
我自己的观点与相当少的作家(包括西方作家和苏联作家)观点基本相同,苏俄内战其实始于十月革命(October revolution),以下两章我所描述的事件会表明一件事:苏维埃1917-1918年冬季的胜利夺权和与之相伴而来的是激烈的内部斗争已经是“内战“的一部分了。 The Russian Civil War,then,began in the autumn of 1917.To be...
WarRevolutionSiberiaCaucasuscampaignNationsT he Russian revolution (see Map 31) was not followed by a global workers' revolution. Instead, the Bolsheviks consolidated their power base inside Soviet Russia (the Soviet Union in 1922). 'White' anti-communist armies led by former Tsarist generals, and...
Russian Revolution and Civil War WW2 Soviet Pilots WW2 Partisans Battle of STALINGRAD Soviets in Afghanistan Documents, Awards and Other Personal Items of Soviet VIPs IMPERIAL RUSSIA Russian Imperial ORDERS St. George Awards Imperial Russian Medals ...
governments of Russia had remained loyal to the Allies, the Allies were bound to help them. To this moral argument was added the political argument that the Communist regime in Moscow was a menace to the whole of Europe, with its subversive propaganda and its determination to spread revolution...
Triggered by food shortages, land management issues, and general discontent, the Russian Revolution resulted in the overthrow of the Tsar and the establishment of the Soviet Union, the world's first communist state. The Revolution also triggered a brutal civil war....
The Russian Civil War, which broke out in 1918 shortly after the October Revolution, was fought mainly between the “Reds,” led by the Bolsheviks, and the “Whites,” a politically-diverse coalition of anti-Bolsheviks. Learning Objectives ...
war.All the Bolsheviks placed their faith in the myth of a European revolution that would save them in Russia.They believed,too,that if attacked by the"imperial- ists"they could defend themselves by means of "revolutionary war." The Bolsheviks' political tactics were also out of step;...