Layers rich in chromian spinel (Cr-spinel) occur in numerous differentiated and layered intrusions. These layers are often characterized by elevated and even economic concentrations of platinum-group-elements (PGEs), but only scarce sulfide mineralizatio
Southern Russia is a region in Russia bordering the country's Central and Volga Regions to the north, the Caspian Sea to the east, Azerbaijan and Georgia to the south, the Black Sea and Ukraine to the west. North Caucasus Krasnodar Krai and Adygea Dagestan ChechnyaVolga...
The new data shows that geomagnetic field intensities in North-Western Russia have decreased in the past millennium. Comparisons were made with other data previously obtained in Western Europe, the Balkans and Russia, as well as with intensity values expected in Novgorod from global geomagnetic field...
Rostov Arena is an association football stadium in Rostov-on-Don, Russia.Nativity of Mother of God Cathedral Church Photo: ДмитрийАртемьев, CC BY-SA 3.0. The Cathedral of the Nativity of the Theotokos is the main church of the city of Rostov-on-Don and the Orthodox ...
in the North Atlantic and surrounding regions, such as that seen during the Pleistocene. What the computer models seem to show is that an open Bering Strait allows ocean circulation between the Atlantic and Pacific, and continued admixing may suppress the effect of the North Atlantic freshwater ...
During the 900s-1100s, human activities in the area were further influenced by nearby Lake Ladoga, which provided a major transportation route for goods at that time. In the 1100s, the region became a part of the Novgorod State and since the end of the 1400s, the territory has been a...
Saint Petersburg, known as Petrograd in 1914-1924 and Leningrad in 1924-1991, is the second largest city of Russia, with 5.6 million inhabitants, the fourth most populous city in Europe, the world's northernmost city of at least a million residents, and the former capital of the Russian ...
Tbbeheeeenny iioddceecnnuttriiffiaieesdds..mTThhaelelyygooracccicnuusrr (aalsesssssmmthaalalllngg1rraa0iinnµssm((llieensssssittzhheaa)nnin1100thµµemmfoilinlnowssiizzinee))giitnnextththueeral pofsfooitllliloownwsiin:ng(g1t)teeixxnttcuulrruaadll eppdoossiiinttiioofrnnesss::h(...
It is assumed that most of the coal-bearing strata of the Minusinsk intermountain trough have been destroyed by post-Mesozoic erosion [52], and the remaining part (1100 to 1800 m thick) is preserved mainly in the south of the trough in several synclines (or muldes) which are referred ...
Gold–bismuth min- eralization in Russia include the Pogranichnoye (Eastern Sayany), Ergelyakh, Kurumskoye, Tuguchak, Basaguninskoye, Chuguluk, Nennely, and Galechnoye (northeastern Russia) vein deposits, and Levodybinskoye and Teutedzhak (northeastern Russia) stockwork de- posits confined...