In 1697 he undertook a journey to Western Europe, where he visited Holland, England, and Austria, becoming a mechanic, visiting industrial establishments, and taking workmen and engineers into his employ, while at the same time he busied himself with politics. This voyage to Europe had ...
Russia - Novgorod, History, Culture: Novgorod arose in the 9th century as one of the earliest centres of the exploitation of the forest hinterland and remained the most important commercial centre of the Kievan period. The changes of the latter Kievan pe
We are living in a world that is beginning to behave like the players scrambling for seats in a game of musical chairs. In each round of amusical chairs game, one chair is removed from the circle. The players in the game must walk around the outside of the circle. When the music ...
Berlioz only made two trips there, the first in 1847, several years after he had already made two extensive tours of Germany (in 1842-3) and central Europe (in 1845-6), and the second twenty years later in 1867-8 at the very end of his active career. Yet both trips were of great...
Whereas many previous studies of regional politics in the 1990s have focused on the development of institutions, this research considers that the ability of the Sverdlovsk leader to participate in, and lead, overlapping networks outweighed the consolidation of institutions, resulting in his personal ...
This article shows how a symbiotic relationship between the Russian state and Russian energy companies emerge from a structure in which trade, markets and international politics have been embedded within the state interests and firm behavior. It identifies the economic and geopolitical trends with ...
hate, racism, greed, selfishness, inhuman politics, injustice, violence, wars Weapons used by Innompians: Inspiring Vision, Love, Fun, Joy, Friendship, Cross-cultural Unity Actors Professional actors and Innompians My Team The three team members and the key role players in the movie were sel...