Rural Sociology最新一期(Volume 89, Issue 2, June 2024)的内容,分为“2023 RSS Presidential Address”“Articles”和“Book Reviews”三个部分,共计9篇文章,详情如下。 原版目录 2023 RSS Presidential Address Rural Development in the Digital Age: Explor...
The Fairfax SST Articles The High Country TPP – Trans Pacific Partnership Uncategorized Vietnam Water Wool Recent Posts Dairy is the export leader that underpins the economy but it can only do what is possible Economic growth depends on exports ...
ARTICLES 01 Seeing Green: Lifecycles of an Arctic Agricultural Frontier Mindy Jewell Price Imaginaries of empty, verdant lands have long motivated agricultural frontier expansion. Today, climate change, food insecurity, and economic promise are...
Meanwhile, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Anhui, Henan, and Hubei, despite their high overall level of economic development, have large areas of farmland and significant populations, resulting in relatively low coverage and accessibility of financial institutions and services. Notably, the ∆U values of Inner...
(water quantity and quality,carbon storage, biodiversity). Locals in Matiguás estimate a loss of more than 40% in forested area over the last 20 years. An unequal and extensive modelof economic development, based mainly on large-scale cattle raising with a very low number of animals per ...
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However, most previous studies were based on the entirety of rural construction land and found that economic development has led to the continuous expansion of rural construction land (He et al. 2019; Liu et al. 2018). This finding shows that rural development is independent of the legal ...
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Although this is not a specific aspect of this region, it is an issue that influences the possibilities of future economic development. Previous research has examined the socioeconomic repercussions associated with the establishment of wind farms (Cazcarro et al. 2024); however, their analysis has...
Some third parties are outside of the European Economic Area, with varying standards of data protection. See our privacy policy for more information on the use of your personal data. Manage preferences for further information and to change your choices. Accept all cookies ...