This paper employs a difference-in-difference design to examine the impact of the world’s largest water transfer project on water resources, rural development, and urban growth. We find that the project enhances water supply...
I address this question by assembling household and firm-level data from 29 African countries along with unique project-level data on foreign direct investment (FDI). Leveraging several quasi-experimental approaches, I find that outages have a non-trivial negative impact on employment. The effect ...
“What happens if we create economics not on the basis of maximising the production of goods and the ability to acquire and consume them – which ends up valuing automation and profit – but on the Buddhist definition of the purpose of work: “to give a man a chance to utilise and devel...
Funding The authors declare that they have no known competing funding from any institution have been placed throughout the project. Author information Authors and Affiliations Key Laboratory of Tectonics and Petroleum Resources, Ministry of Education, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, 430074, China...
Future city project: Toronto’s Tomorrowland The Ontario Technologist Magazine, 22, Sept 2018 How Will Electrification Affect Mechanical Professionals? Atlanta, Chicago, Denver, Los Angeles, San Francisco, St. Louis and 127 other U.S. cities and 11 U.S. countie...
The PhD project should research “How much consumers are willing to pay for pesticide-free products or how they prioritize sustainability.”As such you will play a key role in exploring consumer preferences and willingness to pay for pesticide-free agricultural products, with a focus on sustainable...
Funding The paper is supported by the liberal arts double world-class project of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (The major discipline platform construction Rural Development Research Center of Huazhong University of Science and Technology). ...
identify regional differences with CCER trading having a greater poverty reduction effect in the western and central regions. (4) Compared with the implementation of the CCER project, trading the emission reductions generated by the CCER project has brought more significant poverty reduction effects. (...
Rural energyRural developmentThis paper focuses on the economics of rural electrification and project selection. The broad criteria for preliminary screening of RE projects are described in relation to national policy objectives. The economic justification is the key step in the project processing cycle,...
The impact of trade with the United States on electric loads in Mexico Marc H. Vatter, Daniel F. SuurkaskAugust 2018 Article e00717 View PDF Article preview select article Opportunities and threats presented by social media in project management Research articleOpen access Opportunities and threats...