这里我们以内置的计算模式为起点,来学习可视化计算的常用逻辑以及对应的专属DAX函数。目前内置的模式有9个: 以PowerBI星球案例模型为例,分别来看看他们的效果。本文先来看第一个模式:运行总和。运行总和更直观的叫法应该是滚动累计求和,将当前值与前面的值累加起来。它使用的的是 RUNNINGSUM 函数。 RUNNINGSUM语法 返...
上面的矩阵行标题有3个层级,产品类别是最小的父级,参数为-1时,相当于上面参数为2的效果;参数为-2时,相当于参数为1的效果。 以上就是可视化计算函数RUNNINGSUM的用法,它进行的各种累计求和逻辑,都是在可视化层面上进行的,不需要考虑数据模型,以一种更直观更易于理解的方式来进行各种运算。 PowerBI星球常用的案例...
运行总和 = RUNNINGSUM( [销售额] , ROWS) 按行字段累计,也就是从上到下,按每个产品的销售额逐行累计,这就是省略时默认的效果是一样的。 轴参数是COLUMNS,就会从左到右开始累计,也就是按年度逐列累计。 运行总和 = RUNNINGSUM( [销售额] , COLUMNS ) 先按行累加,然后再按列累加,这个矩阵中,先计算2022...
DAX Running total measure - from start of financial year until end of current month Measure values keep going from the start of the financial year selected in page filter, to the end of the financial year selected in page filter. I need it to go from the start of th...
最终PowerBI效果显示如下:(耐心等待PowerBI 出来,噔噔噔噔~~~) 数据模型: 要点: 如何得到有业务数据的最后日期 CACULATE中SUM计算 回头看看开篇的图: 瞅瞅C列【Cumulative Quantity】,再瞅瞅B列,还有其他列(非粗体部分) D列没有check最后的Transactions.DateKey,所以显示到了Date的最后一个日期,这个当然不是想要的...
PS : While I am not a professional programmer I know this is a trivial task in any other developing environment, which is simply achieved by iterating (FOR or WHILE loops) over the columns of a table, array or dataframe. Why can't we simply iterate in DAX ?
Running total in Dax Studio 04-13-2024 04:06 AM Hi There, Could anybody held with this Dax Query. I Group Sales by month and created a raking, as following: DEFINEVAR Sales =ADDCOLUMNS (VALUES ( 'DIM PRODUCTO'[PRODUCTO]),"@SalesMonth", CALCULATE([VENTAS EN UNIDADES], 'DIM TIE...
移动总计又称滚动总计,英文 Running Total 或 Moving Total,是计算累计的一种特殊方式,与YTD最大的不同在于,移动总计始终按固定的时间长度回溯,这种处理方式可以消除时间性的周期变化对数据的影响,基于这个固定的时间长度,你还可以计算移动平均、移动的最大值、最小值等等。
Thanks, you are correct the MTD, QTD, YTD or LifetimeToDate are easy, but then the code needs to be dynamic to handle of the user used any level for the data hierarchy such as day, week, month or year and any combination with the other dimensions. I will work on it more and ask...
Hello, I am new here and have a small amount of experince with Power BI. I have read a few threads about creating a formula in DAX for a running sum,