DAX/PowerBI系列 - 累计总计(Cumulative Total) 作者:马丁叔叔 链接:http://www.cnblogs.com/lizardbi/p/DAX-PATTERN-POWERBI-Cumulative-Total.html 应用场景: 以下是几个应用场景: 库存分析 每月月底库存,今日库存 资产负债表 统计资产,负债,权益 累计余额 欢迎交流与骚扰 最终PowerBI效果显示如下:(耐心等待Power...
移动总计又称滚动总计,英文 Running Total 或 Moving Total,是计算累计的一种特殊方式,与YTD最大的不同在于,移动总计始终按固定的时间长度回溯,这种处理方式可以消除时间性的周期变化对数据的影响,基于这个固定的时间长度,你还可以计算移动平均、移动的最大值、最小值等等。 黄色的移动平均数据抵消了周期性波动 移动...
In this example, the index column is counting the 4th occurance of a beginning of a month. In reality the month count will go chronoligically over several years. I need this to get a Month (and then year) offset number to do time intelligence calculations in power pivot. (At leas...
Stay connected with me for more amazing articles in the future. Calculate Loan Balace Cumulative total DAX Power BI Running TotalRecommended Free Ebook Printing in C# Made Easy Download Now! Similar Articles Register The Power BI Application In Azure AD - Power BI Embedded - Step By Step - ...
看上去很简单,在用Visual calculations之前,这个需求是有点难度的。你需要判断你的Column列上是年Year还是月Month。然后根据判断再去做。读完这篇文章,就写个Visual calculation就好了。不用判断,所见即所得。 第一步,确保PowerBI Desktop的版本是2024年2月版。
Hello all, I am trying to get an index of months in my calendar table using dax. I need a formula that gives me the Index result that looks like...
Welcome to the September 2024 update! We have a lot of exciting updates to share with you this month as well as a new feature you’ve been waiting for. You can now choose from a variety of themes Power BI Desktop, including the most requested Dark
Power BI uses dates in visualizations extensively. Power BI automatically recognizes data columns and creates hierarchies by week, month, and year. You can use these hierarchies as standard. However, the solution architect should consider the creation of a date, calendar, or table, and then link...
FourMoo detailing how it uses Microsoft Power BI as their platform of choice for all reporting capabilities. A blog on Power BI by Microsoft MVP Gilbert Quevauvillie Frequency 3 posts/month Since May 2013 Domain Authority 25 Read Now Get Email Contact 4. Prathy's Blog Blog https://...
Welcome to the Power BI February 2024 update. We’ve got a lot of great features this month. Here are some key highlights: Visual calculations make it easier than ever to do calculations that were very hard or even impossible. The Power BI home provides a centralized location for all your...