Since the patch is running a little late due to some last minute issues,we had to postpone our Scrum presentation meeting scheduled today until Monday.This and other patch-related activities also pushed this week's Activity report to early next week,Monday or Tuesday so that we can include ...
英语翻译Since the patch is running a little late due to some last minute issues,we had to postpone our Scrum presentation meeting scheduled today until Monday.This and other patch-related activities also pushed this week's Activity report to earl
A daily huddle — sometimes called a daily Scrum meeting or a daily standup meeting — has a clear template, which we go overhere. How you perform your daily huddle will vary depending on whether you’re running asynchronous daily huddles or synchronous ones. However, the focus of both is ...
ourselves withtherunningofthe apprentice shop,startingoffevery week with a planning meeting where we introduced the curriculum for theweekandtheteams (run by student scrum masters) [...] 我们日常工作重点主要放在学习班上,每周召开一次计划会议,介绍本周的课程情况,并对上周情况作一...
The Scrum framework involves a Product Owner (the client), a Team (those working on the project), and a Scrum Master (the development lead), who manages the project. You can read more about our own version of the Scrum Master below....
A、Scrum板 Scrum board B、看板 Kanban board C、任务板 Task board D、用户故事板 User-stories board 查看答案 单选题 [单选] 项目经理正在管理一个产品开发项目,有许多国家的消费者将使用该产品,而且开发团队将在不同的地理位置工作,在制定实施策略时,项目经理首先应该做什么? A project manager is leading...
直到今天还有很多公司推行所谓的Agile,煞有介事的搞一些stand-up meeting, scrum之类的形式主义东西,以为这些过家家似的做法就能提高开发质量和效率。很多开发人员也很把一些软件工程的工具当回事,喜欢折腾Git,Maven等工具一些偏僻的“新功能”。他们很在乎所谓的版本控制,测试等东西,以为熟练的掌握这些就能开发出高质量,...
3 Microsoft Teams apps for running productive standups while working remotely As everyone adjusts to the “new normal” of remote work, even agile development teams are learning how to adapt “in-office” processes to function in a remote work enviro...
Story age as I calculated is the time taken to complete a story. From the time it is picked up (not from the time the story was written) to the time it is delivered. Please see below. Is this ok? Or is this way odd compared to other teams that use Scrum. ...
Gase has a simple answer: "I hate to say this, but Frank was 37 years old and the best player on the team."He's hurt when he gets the ball. Like, really hurt. Like, he has suffered a lung contusion and should be going to the hospital. But he has already carried the ball 13 ...