There's been a lot going on in RS3 and OsRs and I've taken note. The OsRs calculators have been brought up to date, given a Twisted League XP mode and I've added a Wintertodt Damage and Hunter Skill calculator. Of particular note is the addition of variable xp training methods, such...
RS3 Max Combat Main | 2590+ Total | 240+ QP | 99 Slayer | 83 Agility | 82 Dunge | 77 Firemaking | 102 Herblore | 96 Invention - ChicksVRS0316 Lvl 4 Chicks Total orders: 314,093 Member since: 2014 4.7 (266) Instant Delivery ...
The amount that a RuneScape seller makes can vary vastly between different sellers. It all depends on how much time they commit to the game grinding, and what gold-making methods they use in-game to earn RS3 gold. Game, Sell, Earn Money, Repeat...