There's been a lot going on in RS3 and OsRs and I've taken note. The OsRs calculators have been brought up to date, given a Twisted League XP mode and I've added a Wintertodt Damage and Hunter Skill calculator. Of particular note is the addition of variable xp training methods, such...
1. Buy OSRS Skiller Account ASkilleraccount is a type of account that only highlights non-combat skills.Skill pure accounts are known for having a high level in some, if not all, of the skills that don’t involve combat. If you’re a person that prefers not having anything to do with...
The skills calculator page gave you the ability to see how much xp till the next level or next ten levels. Now all you can view is the next level which is garbage. They also took away the combat calculator which was really helpful. I don’t understand why they updated the app and ...
I'm working on bringing the Combat Calculator back! Please reach out if you have any more feedback. You can edit your review or email me at Gimmeasmile,2019/03/08 Updating my review since app revamp I’ll lay it out nice & simple - I’m not liking the major ...