运行时错误 1004(Run-time error 1004)通常在 Microsoft Excel 的 VBA(Visual Basic for Applications)编程中遇到,表示应用程序定义或对象定义错误。这个错误可能由多种原因引起,以下是一些常见的原因及其对应的解决方案: 1. 错误的对象引用 可能原因: 尝试访问的对象不存在。 对象名称拼写错误。 对象未被正确初始化...
Usually, a runtime error makes the VBA code stop, and the user is shown a dialog box. This box reveals the error number along with a description of the error. VBA Runtime Error 1004is a common runtime error that occurs when working with Microsoft Excel macros and, more broadly, with V...
VBA Runtime Error 1004 occurs while you are executing a macro in Excel. It’s an error that can occur due to several reasons. In the below example, as you can see, when I run the code, it shows the run-time error ‘1004’. In simple words, you can also say it occurs when you ...
' A bug in something means Excel does not request Grant Access for CSV, but it does for xmlx ' Therefore we save as xmlx first, then save as CSV. ' To add to the excitement, Excel will give a 1004 error if the xmlx and csv have the same name prefix - ...
Excel Run time error 1004. When I am working with SAP reports that are in Excel and I use Excel 2016 I get an error 1004. However, when I use excel 2008 it works fine. I have to prepare an excel spreadsheet showing a summary of SAP entries which is probably about 10,000 and compar...
The line that pings for the error is: Workbooks.OpenText Filename:="F:\Budget\MRF\Business Team\SLM\Current\SLMUSD.xlsm" The file exists (the file path is correct), I can open it, and have tried running the macro while the file is active. I have also tried flipping ...
"VB: run-time error 1004": Application or Object-defined error. "Select method of Range class failed": Excel VBA Runtime error 1004. "Run-time error 1004"- Excel macro. "Runtime error 1004" This error occurs when method open of object workbooks failed "Run time error 1004" This error...
Error: run time error 1004 the macro may not be available in the workbook or all macros may be disabled.Code:Public Function TestRunExternalMacro()RunExternalMacro "C:\Temp\Excel Macro\NoMacro.xlsx", "C:\Temp\Excel Macro\Macro.xlsm", "HelloWorld" End Function...
Run-time error '1004': Method 'VBProject' of object '_Workbook' failed You did select the "Enable Macros" button when opening the spreadsheet. Additionally, in Excel 2003, if you go to "Tools" > "Macro" > "Security...", the Security Level is "Medium". For Excel 2007, you have up...
Run I_PROCESS "sNewfilenameKPS ??End Sub ???test result: ??1) Test with 9.5.1 and Excel 2003 -> everything works fine ???2) Test with 9.5.1 and Excel 2007 -> when the macro I_PROCESS is called, "Runtime Error 1004 Application-defined or object-defined error" occurs ???Note:...