运行时错误 1004(Run-time error 1004)通常在 Microsoft Excel 的 VBA(Visual Basic for Applications)编程中遇到,表示应用程序定义或对象定义错误。这个错误可能由多种原因引起,以下是一些常见的原因及其对应的解决方案: 1. 错误的对象引用 可能原因: 尝试访问的对象不存在。 对象名称拼写错误。 对象未被正确初始化...
However, everytime I set a password and save the file I get an error message stating: Run-time error 1004 Application defined or object defined error My code is below. Please help. I don't want to share this file unprotected. How can I protect each worksheet and still have Macros ...
Usually, a runtime error makes the VBA code stop, and the user is shown a dialog box. This box reveals the error number along with a description of the error. VBA Runtime Error 1004is a common runtime error that occurs when working with Microsoft Excel macros and, more broadly, with V...
Excel VBA run-time error 1004: Application-defined or object-defined error 1 Run-time Error: 1004 Application-defined or Object-defined error 0 Run-time error '1004': Application-defined or object-defined error vba Excel 1 Run-Time error '1004' Application-defined or ob...
VBA Runtime Error 1004 occurs while you are executing a macro in Excel. It’s an error that can occur due to several reasons. In the below example, as you can see, when I run the code, it shows the run-time error ‘1004’. In simple words, you can also say it occurs when you...
When you run a Visual Basic for Applications macro in Microsoft Excel, you may receive the following or similar error message: Run-time error '1004': Method 'SaveAs' of object '_Worksheet' failed Cause This behavior can occ...
Run-time error 1004 Hi, We have a few macros running on our Excel system in our company which are very critical for us. Unfortunately, today all the macros stopped working. I am getting an error called 1004. I have all my macros enables and everything is the same as what we`ve been...
Excel runtime error 1004 is the common and annoying error that users face while using Microsoft Excel. This article provides solutions to resolve the runtime errors.
Run-time Error 1004: Microsoft Excel cannot access the fileRun-time error '1004': cannot access the fileHopefully it helps you.Best Regards,LinaMSDN Community Support Please remember to click "Mark as Answer" the responses that resolved your issue, and to click "Unmark as Answer" if not. ...
Error: run time error 1004 the macro may not be available in the workbook or all macros may be disabled.Code:Public Function TestRunExternalMacro()RunExternalMacro "C:\Temp\Excel Macro\NoMacro.xlsx", "C:\Temp\Excel Macro\Macro.xlsm", "HelloWorld" End Function...